Posted by
10:07 PM
12 Hunter Solo Luzran
The 21 Quest Registration===>
21 Elite's on Gilneas. They are part of a level 21 group quest. I wiped a couple times but hey, Im a 12 and they are 21 Me soloing 2 level 21 Elite's on Gilneas. They are part of a level 21 group quest. I wiped a couple times but hey, Im a 12 and they are 21 elite's... Music is This darkened Heart by All That Remains (more) (less)
From: gordo4444
Views: 251
Added: 1 month ago
Time: 06:34 More in Gadgets & Games
FFXI Episode 1 - Kupo's World
The 21 Quest Registration===>
1-21 in the last couple of days. RDM is the job I'm planning on taking to to level 30 so I can quest for Bard This is almost everything that I've experienced from RDM level 1-21 in the last couple of days. RDM is the job I'm planning on taking to to level 30 so I can quest for Bard. Won't be much longer now. :P Hope you guys enjoy. Many more video's to come. :) (more) (less)
From: JkeitaroJ
Views: 63
Added: 5 days ago
Time: 03:36 More in Gadgets & Games
The 21 Quest Registration===>
[11] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (4.61 million)[18] Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (4.37 GENO GETS A HOLD OF A WORKING .50 CALIBER IN THE CITY. GOD HELP US ALL.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment SystemSuper Nintendo Entertainment System games that have sold more than one million copies.
Super Mario World (17 million)[17]
Donkey Kong Country (8.30 million)[21]
Super Mario Kart (8 million)[17]
Street Fighter II (6.3 million)[11]
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (4.61 million)[18]
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (4.37 million approximately, 2.21 million in Japan,[20] 2.16 million in US)[22]
Street Fighter II Turbo (4.1 million)[11]
Dragon Quest VI (3.20 million in Japan)[20]
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (2.89 million approximately, 1.77 million in Japan,[20] 1.12 million in US)[22]
Dragon Quest V (2.80 million in Japan)[20]
Final Fantasy VI (2.55 million in Japan)[20]
Final Fantasy V (2.45 million in Japan)[20]
Super Mario All-Stars (2.12 million in Japan)[20]
Chrono Trigger (2.03 million in Japan)[20]
Super Street Fighter II (2 million)[11]
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (1.77 million in Japan)[20]
Aladdin (1.75 million)[11]
Super Puyo Puyo (1.70 million)[20]
Mortal Kombat 2 (1.51 million in US)[22]
Secret of Mana (1.50 million in Japan)[20]
Final Fight (1.48 million)[11]
Super Mario RPG (1.47 million in Japan)[20]
Dragon Ball Z (1.45 million in Japan)[20]
Final Fantasy IV (1.44 million in Japan)[20]
Dragon Quest III (SNES remake) (1.40 million in Japan)[20]
Killer Instinct (1.33 million in US)[22]
Romancing SaGa 3 (1.30 million in Japan)[20]
The Lion King (1.27 million in US)[22]
Mortal Kombat 3 (1.22 million in US)[22]
NBA Jam (1.22 million in US)[22]
Disney's Magical Quest starring Mickey (1.21 million)[11]
Derby Stallion III (1.20 million in Japan)[20]
Dragon Quest I & II (SNES remake) (1.20 million in Japan)[20]
Romancing SaGa 2 (1.18 million in Japan)[20]
Mega Man X (1.16 million)[11]
Dragon Ball Z II (1.15 million)[20]
Derby Stallion '96 (1.10 in Japan)[20]
Kirby Super Star (1.10 million in Japan)[20]
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (1.09 million)[11]
Final Fight 2 (1.03 million)[11] (more) (less)
From: givemesoysauce
Views: 1,920
Added: 1 month ago
Time: 00:29 More in Entertainment
Attivissimo: un punto di rifermento "scientifico"
The 21 Quest Registration===>
emittenti Pavia Radio City e Radio Luna Pavia per poi passare a World Music Radio (in quest'ultima con lo pseudonimo di John Sinclair). Successivamente si "Paolo Attivissimo (York, 28 settembre 1963) è uno scrittore, giornalista e divulgatore informatico italiano. Si occupa di traduzioni tecnico-scientifiche dall'italiano all'inglese e viceversa. Dal 1980 al 1990 ha lavorato come DJ nelle emittenti Pavia Radio City e Radio Luna Pavia per poi passare a World Music Radio (in quest'ultima con lo pseudonimo di John Sinclair). Successivamente si è trasferito in Lussemburgo e poi in Gran Bretagna." Dal 1997 al 2001 ha curato una rubrica settimanale d'informatica sulla Gazzetta dello Sport. Impiegato per vario tempo alla "Top One UK Ltd" (Macchinari per macinare le cose)... (...)
Paolo Attivissimo si occupa "seriamente" di scie chimiche...
... definendoci "svitati sciachimisti".
* * *
Questa è la sua email:
* * *
... Ma degustiamo alcuni esempi della sua saggezza nonché competenza...
(...) Avrei fatto un'eccezione se fossero stati neonazisti, sciachimisti o scientologi, pero'...
# Scritto da Paolo Attivissimo : 25/11/06 23:59
Per favore, Paolo, illumina la mia ignoranza: che cosa sono gli sciachimisti?
Ciao da M. M.
# Scritto da M. M. : 27/11/06 21:01
Sono i seguaci delle teorie delle scie chimiche che gli aerei lascerebbero in cielo. Le scie di condensazione, dicono questi svitati, non sono condensazione, ma sostanze chimiche irrorate da aerei militari "travestiti" (sic!) da aerei di linea, allo scopo... be', guarda, a me vien troppo da ridere e non voglio toglierti il divertimento. Googla "scie chimiche"
# Scritto da Paolo Attivissimo : 27/11/06 21:34
Un brevetto Hughs del 1991 conferma che il particolato per la schermatura solare può essere diffuso attraverso i motori degli aviogetti.
Un manuale di scienze, ora in uso nelle scuole pubbliche, discute il progetto di schermatura, mostrando un grande jet di colore rosso arancio con la seguente didascalia "I motori degli aviogetti potrebbero usare un carburante cui sono addizionate particelle nanometriche (di alluminio -- ndr) per creare uno schermo solare". Il logo sull'aeroplano dice "Particolato aereo".
Il chimico dottor R. Michael Castle ha studiato i polimeri atmosferici per anni. Egli ha trovato che contengono materiali bioattivi che possono causare "serie lesioni della pelle e malattie quando assorbiti attraverso la pelle" (46). Egli ha identificato polimeri microscopici contenenti funghi modificati geneticamente, con l'introduzione di virus. Egli sostiene che milioni di spore modificate geneticamente, che secernono una potente micotossina, sono parte dell'aria che respiriamo (47). Soffrite di allergie?
Secondo il professor Michael Chossudovsky dell'università di Ottawa, il sistema H.A.A.R.P., che si trova in Alaska come parte di un'iniziativa strategica di difesa, è un potente mezzo per la modificazione delle condizioni atmosferiche e del clima. Frutto di una collaborazione tra la marina e l'aviazione degli Stati Uniti, le antenne di HAARP bombardano e riscaldano la ionosfera, generando frequenze elettromagnetiche che rimbalzano sulla terra, penetrando ogni creatura vivente ed ogni oggetto inorganico. (more) (less)
From: nicscics
Views: 748
Added: 2 weeks ago
Time: 07:25 More in People & Blogs
SNES - 100 Super Nintendo games in 10 minutes!
The 21 Quest Registration===>
100 of the best SNES games in 10 minutes. Enjoy :) - buy the music used in this 100 of the best SNES games in 10 minutes.
Enjoy :) - buy the music used in this video from that awesome site! Lots of other great music there too and DRM free music.
List of games in this video and the time they appear -
1. Chrono Trigger (0:00)
2. Super Mario Allstars (0:07)
3. Legend Of the Mystical Ninja (0:13)
4. Hagane (0:19)
5. Axelay (0:25)
6. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 (0:31)
7. Pilotwings (0:37)
8. Super Punchout! (0:43)
9. Wild Guns (0:49)
10. Secret of Mana (0:55)
11. Super Double Dragon (1:01)
12. Earthbound (1:07)
13. Addams Family (1:13)
14. Actraiser (1:19)
15. Biker Mice from Mars (1:25)
16. Aliens vs Predator (1:31)
17. Breath of Fire (1:37)
18. F-Zero (1:43)
19. Gradius 3 (1:49)
20. Megaman 7 (1:55)
21. Super Star Wars (2:01)
22. Rock'n Roll Racing (2:07)
23. Pocky & Rocky (2:13)
24. Legend of Zelda - Link to the Past (2:19)
25. Prince of Persia (2:25)
26. Bust A Move (2:31)
27. Out of this World (2:37)
28. Super Metroid (2:43)
29. Blackthorne (2:49)
30. Animaniacs (2:55)
31. Street Fighter 2 (3:01)
32. Secret of Evermore (3:07)
33. Super Mario World (3:13)
34. Sparkster (3:19)
35. Demons Crest (3:25)
36. Aladdin (3:31)
37. Final Fantasy 3 (3:37)
38. Castlevania X (3:43)
39. Final Fight (3:49)
40. Donkey Kong Country (3:55)
41. EVO (4:01)
42. Starfox (4:07)
43. Super Adventure Island (4:13)
44. Flashback (4:19)
45. Sunset Rider (4:25)
46. Shadowrun (4:31)
47. Final Fantasy 2 (4:37)
48. Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures (4:43)
49. Lufia 1 (4:49)
50. Kirbys Dream Land 3 (4:55)
51. Joe & Mac (5:01)
52. Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (5:07)
53. Killer Instinct (5:13)
54. Super Bonk (5:19)
55. Ninja Warrior (5:25)
56. The Lost Vikings (5:31)
57. Harvest Moon (5:37)
58. Spiderman VS Venom (5:43)
59. Lion King (5:49)
60. Super Castlevania (5:55)
61. Super Mario RPG (6:01)
62. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (6:07)
63. Kirbys Avalanche (6:13)
64. Contra 3 (6:19)
65. Mortal Kombat 2 (6:25)
66. Super Turrican 2 (6:31)
67. Tiny Toon Adventures (6:37)
68. X-Men (6:43)
69. Megaman X 1 (6:49)
70. Super Mario World 2 (6:55)
71. Battle Toads & Double Dragon (7:01)
72. Tales of Phantasia (7:07)
73. NBA Jam Tournament Edition (7:13)
74. Tetris Attack (7:19)
75. Stunt Racer FX (7:25)
76. Super R-Type (7:31)
77. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (7:37)
78. Earthworm Jim (7:43)
79. Dragon View (7:49)
80. Yoshis Safari (7:55)
81. Sim City (8:01)
82. King of Dragons (8:07)
83. Super Offroad (8:13)
84. Madden 95 (8:19)
85. Super Bomberman (8:25)
86. Tetris & Dr. Mario (8:31)
87. Mario Paint (8:37)
88. Arkanoid 2 (8:43)
89. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (8:49)
90. Cybernator (8:55)
91. Cool Spot (9:01)
92. Super Mario Kart (9:07)
93. Death and Return of Superman (9:13)
94. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (9:19)
95. Soul Blazer (9:25)
96. Super Ghouls & Goblins (9:31)
97. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (9:37)
98. Darius Twin (9:43)
99. Captain Commando (9:49)
100. Lemmings (9:55) (more) (less)
From: laffer35
Views: 9,727
Added: 1 week ago
Time: 10:00 More in Entertainment
Pac Mania - Quick Go - Mame
to return the series to its roots with the re-introduction of the 'eat all of the pills in the maze game-play of the earlier classics As requested by WTGDMan1986 a quick go on the arcade game Pac Mania.
Pac-Mania (c) 11/1987 Namco.
The 21 Quest Registration===>
After the superb platform action of the series' previous game, "Pac-Land", Namco chose to return the series to its roots with the re-introduction of the 'eat all of the pills in the maze game-play of the earlier classics. Pac-Mania feels somewhat different to its illustrious predecessors, however, due to Pac-Man's newly-acquired 'jump' ability. The mazes are now rendered with an isometric, pseudo 3-D viewpoint, allowing the player to jump over the chasing ghosts and make an escape.
Pac-Mania features four different mazes - 'Block Town', 'Pac-Man's Park', 'Sandbox Land' and 'Jungly Steps' - and the player can opt to start on any of the first three. In addition to the four original ghosts, four more new ghosts have been added. Sue has returned, but she is now colored purple and is aggressive. A green ghost, Funky, has the ability to jump on higher levels, where there are always two Funkies. There is also a silver ghost called Spunky who has the same ability to jump, but, unlike Funky, Pac-Man cannot jump over him.
Another new feature in this game is the appearance of several 'special items' (in addition to the traditional fruit bonuses - cherries, strawberries, oranges, apples, bananas, apricots, bells, and keys). These items include candy, hamburgers, ice cream cones, coffee, and two special kinds of power pills. The pills, which appear in addition to the traditional power pills, give Pac-Man more points for eating ghosts and also give him extra speed, both of which come in very handy during game-play. Pac-Mania was to be Pac-Man's last arcade outing.
Namco System 1 hardware
Game ID : PN
Main CPU : 6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Sub CPU : 6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Sound CPU : 6809 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
MCU: HD63701 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.57958 Mhz), Namco advanced 8-channel stereo WSG, stereo DAC
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 288 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz
Palette colors : 24-bit RGB palette
Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 1 (BOUNCE)
Licensed to Atari for US distribution.
The 'Pac-Man's Park' maze is basically the original "Pac-Man" maze in an isometric 3-D perspective.
Donn Nauert holds the official record for this game with 385, 570 points.
Victor Entertainment released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Namco Video Game Graffiti Vol.4 - VDR-5282) on 08/03/1989.
There are more levels in the Japanese version - 23 to be exact.
The US version lets you select any maze except 'Jungly Steps' when you start.
Dot : 60 points
Power pill (energizer) : 300 points
Red pill (special energizer) : 7650 points (doubles ghost values up to 7650)
Green pill (speed up) : 1000 points
Ghosts : 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 7650 points
Cherry : 1000 points
Strawberry : 2000 points
Peach : 3000 points
Apple : 4000 points
Banana : 5000 points
Flower : 6000 points
Bell : 7000 points
Key : 8000 points
Candy : 4000 points
Green apple : 6000 points
Coffee cup : 5000 points
Small ice cream cone : 6000 points
Large ice cream cone : 8000 points
Silver bell : 9000 points
Galaxian : 7650 points
Silver key : 10000 points
Hamburger : 7000 points
Silver Galaxian : 7650 points
1. Pac-Man (1980)
2. Ms. Pac-Man (1981)
3. Super Pac-Man (1982)
4. Pac-Man Plus (1982)
5. Jr. Pac-Man (1983)
6. Pac & Pal (1983)
7. Pac-Land (1984)
8. Pac-Mania (1987)
9. Pac-In-Time (1994, Nintendo Super Famicom)
10. Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (1994, Nintendo Super Famicom and Sega Mega Drive)
11. Pac-Man VR (1996)
12. Pac-Man World (1999, Sony PlayStation)
13. Pac-Man - Adventures in Time (2000, PC CD-ROM)
14. Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (2000, Sony PlayStation)
15. Ms. Pac-Man - Quest for the Golden Maze (2001, PC CD-ROM)
16. Pac-Man All-Stars (2002, PC CD-ROM)
17. Pac-Man Fever (2002, Sony PlayStation 2)
18. Pac-Man World 2 (2002, Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, and Microsoft XBOX; 2004, PC CD-ROM)
19. Pac-Man vs. (2003, Nintendo GameCube)
20. Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (2004, Nintendo GameBoy Advance)
21. Pac-Man World 3 (2005, Sony PSP, Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft XBOX, PC CD-ROM, and Nintendo DS)
22. Pac'n Roll (2005, Nintendo DS)
23. Pac-Pix (2005, Nintendo DS)
Game Design : St. Daimyojin
Character Design : T. Yamashita
Graphic Design : A. Usukusa
Visual Design : Satoshi S., Babe. Teshima, Yukari M., Kazuya G., Tomoyuki S.
Music and Sound : Junko Ozawa, Yuri., Y. Tomuro
Game Program : Taro. Shimizu
System Program : Taro. Shimizu, Kosei M., Dr. Tam., H. Yamazaki
System Design : T. Ogawa, T. Okada, Makoto Inoue, Dr. Tam.
Director : St. Daimyojin, T. Iwatani
Presenter : Fun First Pro., Namco Limited
* Consoles :
Nintendo Famicom (1990)
Sega Master System (1991)
Sega Mega Drive (1991)
Sony PlayStation (1997, "Namco Museum Vol.5")
Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2001, "Pac-Man Collection")
Sony PlayStation 2 (2002, "Namco Museum") : initially locked.
Microsoft XBOX (2002, "Namco Museum") : initially locked.
Nintendo GameCube (2002, "Namco Museum") : initially locked.
Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.
Microsoft XBOX (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.
Nintendo GameCube (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.
* Computers :
Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1988)
Atari ST (1988)
Amstrad CPC (1988)
Commodore C64 (1988)
Commodore Amiga (1988)
MSX2 (1989)
Acorn Archimedes (1991)
Tandy Color Computer 3 (1992, "PacDude Monster Maze")
Sharp X68000
PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary") : initially locked.
* Others :
Mobile Phones (2005) (more) (less)
From: moffstarr
Views: 2,292
Added: 3 weeks ago
Time: 06:11 More in Gadgets & Games
Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer (Official)
The 21 Quest Registration===>
]). 2) Yes, that's The Ink Spots singing "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire" 3) Yes, that's The teaser video for Bethesda's Fallout 3. [PS3,360,PC]
Check these websites for all the latest Fallout 3 news and info:
"You can approach Fallout 3 as a completely, straight-up, first-person shooter with RPG elements, if you want." - Gavin "kathode" Carter, Bethesda Softworks
Here are the basics:
•Action RPG
•Real-time combat with pause to queue targets (aka V.A.T.S.).
•First-person/third-person(over-the-shoulder) viewpoints.
•Your daddy's love is integral to the main plot. You won't be allowed to piss him off.
•Main quest takes 20 hours.
•40 hours of total gameplay.
•Decisions in the game are either "good", "evil", or "neutral".
•Dialogue trees are similar to Oblivion.
•Level scaling. (Tho' not quite like Oblivion.)
•Smaller than Oblivion.
•Less than half the NPCs of Oblivion.
•"Revamped" Radiant AI™ from Oblivion.
•Some NPCs are invincible, like in Oblivion.
•No child killing?
•No groin or eye shots.
•GTA-style radio stations for music and news.
•Handheld nuclear catapults.(no joke)
•Drinking out of toilets.(agian, no joke)
•Find 21 bobbleheads that increase your stats.
•No drivable vehicles.
•Mutants (they look like orcs now) in DC.
•Brotherhood in DC.
•No construction set to make mods?
•The teaser is apparently the game's intro.
•There will be no demo.(*cough*TORRENT*cough*)
•It has electrolytes!
•REALLY, REALLY pissed off Fallout fans.
NMA's Fallout 3 FAQ:
Fallout 3, who is this for?:
Calling Fallout 3 into question(s):
Promises of Oblivion and Fallout 3 - a comparison:
Don't Buy the Hype:
The History of Fallout:
Some comments from Pete Hines, Bethesda's PR-in-chief, on the trailer:
1) Yes, that's in-engine (in-engine means it's done with game assets in our rendering engine, but isn't done real-time. If it was done in real-time, that'd be gameplay footage. This isn't something, for example, that was sent to some house [e.g. Blur Studios] so they could build assets and render it out, and create something for us to release [e.g. Dawn of War 40K intro cinematic]).
2) Yes, that's The Ink Spots singing "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire"
3) Yes, that's Ron Perlman [voiceover man extraordinaire of Fallout 1 and 2; his lines were recently recorded for the trailer].
Download the trailer: (more) (less)
From: waterchip
Views: 167,025
Added: 1 month ago
Time: 02:25 More in Gadgets & Games
Styling flv
The 21 Quest Registration===>
recording session in Manhattan where the jb's were working on their follow-up album, the first words out of the free-spirited 21 year-old's mouth Colin Julius Bobb, better known as Sensational (a.k.a. Perfection a.k.a. The Skripper) came to Crooklyn via Georgetown, Guyana as a young child. Growing up in the heavily-Caribbean Crown Heights area, he was soaked in the sounds of reggae and hip-hop, receiving his baptism with blunts at the age of 13. A chance meeting with cutting-edge rap act the Jungle Brothers (Afrika, Mike G., and Sammy B.) got him a gig as a dancer at their live shows, but Colin soon impressed the JB's with his wigged-out, 4-track beats and raw lyrical flows, earning him the name Torture.
It was Torture, an uninhibited 17-year-old, who would steer the crew in the direction of wild experimentation and mayhem on their third full-length for Warner Brothers--Jbeez Wit Da Remedy--a release both controversial in its creative content and the manner it was suppressed from the public. As producer Bill Laswell, who had worked on that now legendary lost transmission, recalls, "They [the JBs] used to be in my apartment listening to records and when Torture pulled out a [avant-garde German composer] Stockhausen record and started cutting it up and rhyming to it, the other guys looked at each other like, 'He's onto some shit.'" Though the original Remedy album never surfaced (deemed too experimental by the people at Warner Bros.) some more acidic fragments bubbled up as a Black Hoodz 10-inch under the title, Crazy Wisdom Masters, in 1997.
Word of Torture's exploits filtered through to WordSound head Skiz Fernando from Laswell. When Skiz first met Torture at a Greene Street Studios recording session in Manhattan where the JB's were working on their follow-up album, the first words out of the free-spirited 21 year-old's mouth were, "You got some chronic [marijuana]?" Smoking copious amounts of weed, in fact, is as much a part of Torture's daily operation as making beats that his production company is called Chunk 'O Bliss. "Rarely have I seen Torch sober," says Skiz, "I think he spends so much time in the zone that he really lives in his own world. That's why his sound is so unique."
In 1996, Skiz collaborated with Torture on his first release for WordSound, a ground-breaking album called Loaded With Power, which the College Music Journal hailed as "one of the most bold and experimental releases of the last few years." Most of that album was recorded on a battered 8-track cassette mixer that Afrika had given him, with vocals recorded through a pair of old headphones. Right before the record went to press, Torture changed his name to Sensational. "I was kind of bummed out that he changed his name," says Skiz, "because Torture seemed to fit his vibe so well, but far be it for me to argue with a true artist. As far as music is concerned, he knows exactly what he's doing."
With a new name and a renewed quest to further push the envelope as a solo artist, Sensational recorded another album for WordSound in 1997, Corner The Market, before going on tour in Europe the following summer. Here he both amazed and puzzled audiences with a totally unpredictable live show which found him deejaying for himself, bringing audience members on stage to smoke with him, and winning even more fans with his down-to-earth charm and charisma. Anyone who has seen a Sensational performance will not soon forget the experience.
In 1999, Sensational recorded his third album for WordSound, this time using some of the royalties from his last album to purchase a digital multi-track, drum machine and a real microphone. Despite this upgrade, Heavyweighter sounds as dusted as his first two releases with the exception that Sensational's vocals are more intelligible in the mix. Songs from this last album feature prominently in Crooked, which follows Sensational's evolution as an artist.
"In the script, the character of Sensational is true to life," says Skiz, "but knowing him as well as I do, I had my concerns about him being able to pull off the job and all the demands involved. But Torch really surprised me with his commitment, attentiveness, and showing up on time for stuff. He's a natural performer." Despite all the chaos in Sensational's personal life--not having a place to live, always having to hustle for money (all of which is depicted in the film as well)--Sensational was able to complete the 25 day shoot like a true professional, and contribute new music to the soundtrack. Crooked is as much about his real-life personal struggle and his music as it is about the corruption in the music industry. (more) (less)
From: krolingo
Views: 777
Added: 1 month ago
Time: 02:24 More in Entertainment
100 Commodore 64 games in 10 minutes!
The 21 Quest Registration===>
.. it's not as good as the Amiga one. The reason is that I made this one just after finishing the Amiga one and I was a little - buy the music used in this video from that awesome site! Lots of other great music there too and DRM free music.
Well, I figured I might as well do a C64 one as well :)
I'm not 100% satisfied with this one though.. it's not as good as the Amiga one. The reason is that I made this one just after finishing the Amiga one and I was a little burnt out I guess.. got very sick of making this one almost right away.
It's stilld decent though so I hope some people can enjoy it at least :)
The soundtrack consists of these three songs, all by Instant Remedy -
Flimbo's Quest
Game On (Issue 0989)
Complete list of games in this video (might be some errors) -
1. Last Ninja 2 (0:00)
2. IK+ (0:07)
3. Maniac Mansion (0:13)
4. Pirates! (0:19)
5. Zak McKracken (0:25)
6. Vendetta (0:31)
7. Turrican 2 (0:37)
8. Archon: The Light and the Dark (0:43)
9. Bubble Bobble (0:49)
10. Summer Games 2 (0:55)
11. Ultima IV (1:01)
12. Bruce Lee (1:07)
13. Last Ninja (1:13)
14. Project Firestart (1:19)
15. Turrican (1:25)
16. Wasteland (1:31)
17. Defender of the Crown (1:37)
18. Asterix (1:43)
19. Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1:49)
20. M.U.L.E (1:55)
21. Microprose Soccer (2:01)
22. Leaderboard Golf (2:07)
23. Hyper Sports (2:13)
24. Winter Games (2:19)
25. Creatures 2: Torture Trouble (2:25)
26. Impossible Mission (2:31)
27. Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo (2:37)
28. Great Giana Sisters (2:43)
29. Armalyte (2:49)
30. California Games (2:55)
31. Boulder Dash (3:01)
32. Dominator (3:07)
33. Wizard of Wor (3:13)
34. Montezuma's Revenge (3:19)
35. Katakis (3:25)
36. Mayhem in Monsterland (3:31)
37. Stunt Car Racer (3:37)
38. H.E.R.O. - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation (3:43)
39. Pitstop II (3:49)
40. Skate or Die! (3:55)
41. Space Taxi (4:01)
42. World Games (4:07)
43. Batman - The Caped Crusader (4:13)
44. Donald Ducks Playground (4:19)
45. Rainbow Islands (4:25)
46. Green Beret (4:31)
47. Tusker (4:37)
48. Shadow of the Beast (4:43)
49. International Karate (4:49)
50. Midnight Resistance (4:55)
51. Paradroid (5:01)
52. Gauntlet (5:07)
53. Airborne Ranger (5:13)
54. Blue Max (5:19)
55. Count Duckula (5:25)
56. Grand Prix Circuit (5:31)
57. Racing Destruction Set (5:37)
58. Wizball (5:43)
59. Buggy Boy (5:49)
60. Arnie (5:55)
61. Lode Runner (6:01)
62. Spy vs Spy (6:07)
63. Stormlord (6:13)
64. Fiendish Freddys Big Top O Fun (6:19)
65. Jumpman (6:25)
66. Zynaps (6:31)
67. Kung Fu Master (6:37)
68. MYTH: History in the Making (6:43)
69. Power Drift (6:49)
70. Rick Dangerous (6:55)
71. Super Pipeline (7:01)
72. Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior (7:07)
73. Frankie goes to Hollywood (7:13)
74. Ghosts 'n Goblins (7:19)
75. Lazy Jones (7:25)
76. Way of the Exploding Fist (7:31)
77. Raid on Bungeling Bay (7:37)
78. Decathlon (7:43)
79. Manic Miner (7:49)
80. Gremlins 2 (7:55)
81. Nebulus (8:01)
82. Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit (8:07)
83. Law of the West (8:13)
84. Spy Hunter (8:19)
85. Turbo Outrun (8:25)
86. Aztec Challenge (8:31)
87. Goonies (8:37)
88. Krakout (8:43)
89. Platoon (8:49)
90. Ghostbusters (8:55)
91. Addams Family (9:01)
92. Forbidden Forest (9:07)
93. Salamander (9:13)
94. Target Renegade (9:19)
95. Commando (9:25)
96. BC 2 - Grogs Revenge (9:31)
97. Netherworld (9:37)
98. Kikstart II (9:43)
99. Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh (9:49)
100. Flimbo's Quest (9:55)
Well, enjoy :) (more) (less)
From: laffer35
Views: 18,721
Added: 3 weeks ago
Time: 10:00 More in Entertainment
Illuminati & Masonic Symbols and Number of Beast
The 21 Quest Registration===>
translate the the Latin on the symbol into English "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" translates to "Announcing the Realization of the New World Order". The Article "Bill Gates: Satanist in Sheep's Clothes?" By Henry Makow Ph.D.
When Warren Buffett gave $31 billion to Bill Gates' Foundation last week, I assumed it would advance the New World Order. But when a reader showed me Gates' connection with the pagan anti-Semitic Lucis (formerly Lucifer) Trust, I sat up and took notice.
Established by Alice Bailey in 1922, the Lucifer Publishing Company changed its name the following year for obvious reasons. Based at 120 Wall Street, the "Lucis Trust" is a vital part of the satanic cult that controls the Western world. It started the New Age Movement to induct society into their Luciferian mindset. Apparently, Lucis is the official publisher of the United Nations and manages its "Meditation Room."
Bailey was the leader of the Theosophical Society started in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky. Theosophy is a branch of Freemasonry. According to Constance Cumbey, Theosophy also spawned the occult societies that in turn created Adolf Hitler and the Nazi ideology. ("The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and the Coming Age of Barbarism" 1983)
In 1949, Bailey wrote that the Jewish holocaust was due to the Jews' bad karma: "the evil karma of the Jew today is intended to end his isolation, to bring him to the point of relinquishing material goals, of renouncing a nationality that has a tendency to be somewhat parasitic..." (Esoteric Healing, p. 263)
Bailey teaches that Jews are from a different solar system and that Orientals and Blacks are from a different root race. Occidental races must control the world, as they are our most evolved root race. (Cumbey, 115)
This must be of concern since a major focus of the Gates foundation is providing billions of dollars worth of vaccines to the poor in Third World countries.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has doubled in size due to the Buffet gift, and is five times larger than the US's next largest Ford Foundation. The Gates Foundation is mentioned as a financial member of the Lucis subgroup, "The New Group of World Servers." (See $$ under groups. The pictures of Nelson Mandela, Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore are also featured on this site.)
Bill Gates is also mentioned on the Lucis Trust web site: "Through the philanthropic and humanitarian work of such people as George Soros, Bill Gates, Kofi Annan and Bono, to name just a few, people are beginning to recognise the needs of the world's destitute people and acting to do something about them. There is talk by Soros and another thinker, James Tobin, about the creation of some type of tax upon financial transactions that would be used to support domestic programs in the developing world. Humanity surely has the ability to institute these and similar changes; it just needs the will to do so."
A tax on all financial transactions is part of what Lucis Trust calls "The Plan." This begins with the proclamation of the "Maitreya," the New Age Messiah who they have been grooming for more than three decades.
According to Cumbey, who is a lawyer, the "Plan" also includes a new world government and religion under Maitreya., a universal credit card system; an authority that would control the food supply; a universal tax; and a universal draft.
"They plan to outlaw all present religious practises and symbols of orthodox Jews and Christians," Cumbey writes. "New Agers have threatened violence and even extermination of Jews, Christians and Moslems who fail to cooperate with Maitreya and his new religion." (20)
The Theosophical Society believes Lucifer is God which they identify with the Sun. In "The Secret Doctrine" Blavatsky writes: "In this case it is but natural ... to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind."
"For it is he who was the "Harbinger of Light," bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of automaton (Adam) created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was first to whisper, "In the day yea eat there of, ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil" -- can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour. An "adversary" to Jehovah ... he still remains in esoteric truth the ever-loving "Messenger"... who conferred on us spiritual instead of physical immortality ...
Satan, or Lucifer, represents the active ... "Centrifugal Energy of the Universe" in a cosmic sense ... Fitly is he ... and his adherents ... consigned to the "sea of fire," because it is the Sun ... the fount of life in our system, where they are petrified ... and churned up to re-arrange them for another life; that Sun which, as the origin of the active principle of our Earth, is at once the Home and the Source of the Mundane Satan... "
"New Agers generally do not openly repudiate Christianity," Cumbey writes. "They redefine Christ to give pagan Gods equal time, and expand the definition of Christ to be the integral essence of themselves." (146)
While New Agers "would rightfully picket to prevent a Nazi demonstration, they fail to see that point-for-point the program of the New Age Movement has complete identity with the programs of Hitler." (56, Cumbey does the point-by-point comparison on pp.114-120)
"New Agers" profess a great love of peace and disarmament but Cumbey cites Bailey saying nuclear weapons will be the preserve of the United Nations for "threatened use when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head." (70)
Similarly, the environment and world hunger causes all have a hidden elite agenda. Cumbey writes that supporters of anti-hunger programs are urged to back measures for abortion, artificial insemination, forced limitation of family size, genetic control and even death control." (56)
Buffett said Monday "that he was a student of many of the same philanthropists that Gates modeled himself on - the oilman John D. Rockefeller, and the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie."
These "philanthropists" have used their tax-exempt money to subvert Western Civilization for almost a century. For example, a Rockefeller boasted to Aaron Russo that they started feminism to get women into the workplace and paying taxes, so they could indoctrinate the young in daycares. Significantly, another focus of the Gates Foundation is "improving American high schools."
They are on the forefront of destroying traditional cultures by breaking up the family. They are championing "women's rights" through loans mainly to women to make them independent of men.
Western civilization has been subverted by an organized Satanic power. As I explain elsewhere, this cult is sponsored by the central banking cartel that must enslave mankind in order to consolidate its monopoly on our credit. The credit check of the future might inquire into our religious and political views.
I prided myself on having escaped the banker's Communist hoax but I realize now that Communism was the "plan" for my parent's generation. I fell hook-line-and-sinker for the "New Age", which was aimed at my generation. It is exactly like Communism, appealing to our idealism, but having an insidious hidden agenda.
I still believe some drug experiences can open the door to mysticism and religious knowledge. God does dwell within as universal Love but the God of the Illuminati is not Love. It deifies man at his lowest not his highest. It freezes us cryogenically in our own filth.
We live in interesting times. Our mainstream leaders have sold us out. Society has slipped the moorings of truth and is steered by megalomaniacs. Let's man the lifeboats of truth.
Article "Illuminati Rebel Issues Dire Warning, Battle Cry" By Henry Makow Ph.D.
At the New Year, Leo Zagami, 36, has an urgent message.
The Illuminati plan to "Nazify" the West by the year 2012 and persecute all believers in God, using the pretext of war, terror and economic collapse.
The scion of an ancient Illuminati family, Zagami had a religious conversion (to Islam) last June and rebelled. He'd had enough of the horrifying Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors.
On Saturday he posted on his web site Illuminati Confessions names of high ranking Masons who are ready to do battle with the Satanists. He has organized his own security detail and even posted a personal phone number to address serious questions.
"These are the end times; it's no joke," Zagami says in an January 3 interview on his website.
"The cosmic alignment on the 21st of December 2012 gives you 6 years to prepare... So its about time you all wake up and fight for your right to stay free under one God before they take complete control and start persecuting the true believers in the one God. ...Get your swords and get ready to fight to defend your faith or perish...This is a war against Satan so please wake up in the western countries or you might wake up in a nightmare one morning in December 2012."
"From 2010 you will start feeling the big changes in the air more and more but in 2012 you will have the clear evidence of the end of this civilization in front of your eyes....the total NAZIFICATION of the western countries by 2010 before the economic situation starts to badly crack for everyone. Then social tension will hit a peak never seen before and internal conflicts could eventually become in 2012: CIVIL WAR!"
"Are you ready to die for God and your believe in a positive change for the world or are you all a bunch of cowards in the hands of the devil, just talking and talking with no sense of reality?"
As an ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo, Zagami was, until recently, a true insider, a 33rd degree Freemason, and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 (Propaganda 2) Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over from the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli.
The reason I have overlooked Zagami until now is that he suggests Illuminati power resides in the Vatican with the Jesuits. I maintain that that the world central banking cartel, headed by the Rothschilds, calls the shots. They use Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits, Vatican, Socialists, Liberals, Communists, Feminist and Gay activists, Neo Cons, all intelligence agencies, media, foundations etc. to exercise control.
But it would be stupid to continue to overlook Zagami's invaluable testimony over an academic disagreement. I don't think Zagami lets the Zionists off the hook. He merely focuses on what he knows first-hand.
The Illuminati is like the mob. Does it matter if the Chicago, London or New York families are in charge? They are overlapping circles dedicated to the same perverse end.
Greg Szymanski again deserves our thanks for featuring Zagami on his web site since October. Jeff Rense also deserves credit for posting Greg's stories. The material below is partially a summary from Greg's interviews.
Zagami describes the world as "a global puppet show in the hands of the usual families of idiots, who usually never change their ways century after century."
"They all work together, including Hugo Chavez who really is helping Bush's agenda by his theatrical performances," said Zagami. Chavez is controlled by the Vatican and working with the New World Order as are all other leaders of the world's major government's and religions.
"This is how they operate with the top layers working together for one purpose in what they think is the perfect cover-up. Wahabi or Wahibi [the Saudis] were created by the Zionists and their English friends who think they are the lost tribe of Israel. The same happened with Arafat and the so-called Muslim Brotherhood created by the English intelligence."
Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood also might be behind Iranian leaders and the leaders of the Iraqi Insurgency. It's all theatre put on for the yokels.
In an email to me Sunday, Leo called the Iraq-Iran-Israel conflict a "foreign intelligence show" and Ahmaninejad a "well known Satanist with no real connection to Islam."
He said Putin's conflict with the Rothschilds is also a "charade." He is also Illuminati controlled.
Zagami challenges his former colleagues in Freemasonry to "go public with your pagan satanic worship and your black magic you bunch of cowards, that's what I say to them. The European aristocracy has always been ruled by sorcery and black magic ...have always used black magic and evil forces ... for domination over their own citizens. They learned these satanic ways from their Masters in Rome who got them in turn from the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Sumerian...its a never ending tale of constant manipulation...of mankind."
He says G.W. Bush is the son of "the most powerful man in the illuminati and he was built by his father and the CIA to become the ultimate Antichrist Vatican Zionist puppet and it doesn't really matter if he is in the White House or not because the Bush will always rule in the present situation any future actor that goes in the White House now. Remember Anton LaVey founder of the Church of Satan and Mind War controller of the CIA was a close friend of George H. Bush, and they planned together the satanic future of his son George W.Bush and the coming of the age of Satan after 9/11 a long time ago when LaVey was still alive."
He says 666 is everywhere these days: "the Hebrew equivalent of our "w" is the letter "vav" or "waw". The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English "www" transliterated into Hebrew is "vav vav vav", which numerically is 666. And you can't definitely have a business these days without a web site WWW, then we have the video surveillance and last but not least the micro chipping coming up. The micro chipping will be the ultimate Mark of the Beast and will put us fully in the hands of Satan and his evil controllers ready for Armageddon against the Messiah. So we need to rebel before that to help the coming back of the real Messiah."
"All religions are corrupt by the illuminati these days including most of Islam, the Jews, the Evangelical, Protestant and the Born-Again side of Christianity, all ruled secretly by Freemasonry, the intelligence services, the Knights of Malta and last but not least the usual Jesuits so genuine [religious] dialogue is almost impossible."
Leo Zagami sees himself as "the last idealist in the Illuminati." It is a hopeful sign that courageous and decent men like him should appear at this time. It would be a far greater sin to spurn a genuine hero than to be taken in by an imposter. At the same time, the Illuminati has always feigned divisions: FDR, Hitler all championed the "people."
"YOU ARE LIVING IN A ILLUMINATI PRISON BUILT BY THE JESUITS AND FINANCED BY THE ZIONIST," Leo emailed me. I agree about the "Illuminati prison part." For the rest, I will continue to ask Leo questions and do my own reading and thinking.
The elite is building an abattoir before our eyes: the New World Order. The events of 9-11 are proof of their intent to use it. We have a choice: To go like sheep to the slaughter, or to take Zagami's advice, and prepare.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
July 28, 2005
By Eric Rainbolt
Did you know that September "11th", 2001 was the 60th Anniversary of the Pentagon, the 30th Anniversary of what Time Magazine reported on its cover page as the "Shake-up at the Kremlin" over the death of Nikita Krushchev on September 11th, 1971, and the 11th Anniversary of a speech George Bush, the Former CIA director, Vice President for 8 years, and President for 4 years stated on September 11th, 1990 entitled "Toward a New World [Order]" ?
Where were you? What were you doing? How did you react on that day? Is there a possibility that 9-11 was not organized by fanatical Muslims?
In this essay I hope to prove that The "Hidden Hand" London Bankers celebrate anniversaries of their intrigue throughout history. I will explain how the timeline of the coming New World Order has been and is being architected through the use of a highly regarded and occultic ( secretive ) numbering system. The rest of the proof is contained in my FREE ebook (adobe pdf) entitled Revelation 9:11
Possibly you didn't know that the 19th Anniversary of Mikhail Gorbechev's inauguration as the Soviet Premier was March 11th, 2004.
That was the day 191 innocent Spanish people were killed by bombs. Surprisingly, at first notice, this was also exactly 911 days after 9/11/01.
The Space Shuttle Discovery now in orbit reminds us of the previous shuttle mission, which resulted in the destruction of STS 107 over the 33rd parallel (Dallas Texas was directly under the man-made comet) that took the lives of 7 astronauts, 1 from each of the 7 continents.
High ranking freemason Vice President Dick Cheney took the day off that day, and visited Dallas to watch the comet streak first hand. The mass media never reported this was the day of the 11th Anniversary of another traitorous "New World Coming" speech George Bush I delivered to the UN
stating "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance", 11 years previous on Febraury 1st, 1992.
The London banking Illuminati's UN puppet government "leaders" were delighted to hear that America would eventually be militarily overthrown and forced to accept a communistic elite-owned world government they refer to as a New World Order, when the Zoo officially becomes a Prison.
What better way for the conspirators to celebrate the sacred freemasonic number of "11" than sacrifice the Columbia with 7 astronauts, 1 from each continent, on the "11th" Anniversary of that speech?
George Orwell stated "Who controls the past, controls the present; who controls the present, controls the future." - quoted form his book 1984 ( a book describing a time when a dicatatorship/corporate government would take over the planet. )
Are we there today in 2005? YES. Has the world been under the Conspiracy of London Bankers for hundreds of years? YES. Do they own and control the televised and print mass media and constantly manipulate your perceptions? YES.
See this David Icke forum thread for dozens more shocking anniversary examples in graphic format. ( Did the London Bankers recently use the Big Ben Clock to send an secretive terror event timing signal? )
As the events scroll by in time slowly, over decades, naturally we tend to be myopic (or short sighted) simply witnessing and reacting to certain events at any given time. However, when you examine history in terms of the occult (or hidden) numerology they have used in assigning the dates and times of the world's largest political and transitional events over the past 100 years, you will begin to look at the All-Seeing-Eye, or the floating capstone of the financial pyramid symbol on the back of the American dollar, in a new light.
So who is this Lucifer, or "Great Architect" the conspirators are trying to please in architecting "history"? Look right now on a dollar bill and I will translate the the Latin on the symbol into English "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" translates to "Announcing the Realization of the New World Order". The bankers own us (and our pets) without our knowing about it. Imagine that.
What can you do? March to Washington DC? London? No, they control the militaries of the world who control the nuclear weapons. They are training the now federalized police to view all of you as potential terrorists. The military has new crowd control weaponry that uses microwave energy
to singe your skin in less than 1 second before intense pain is felt - and much more.
Has the understanding of their numerology predicted or even prevented a future event? YES. There have been three major instances of this:
1) Sears Tower prediction made in March 2004. The end result was police discovered and thwarted the plot to destroy the 110-story Sears Tower with
explosives. Examine each of these links closely.
1. (The March 2004 prediction) 2. A shipment of
BOMBS were found by British police being shipped to the Sears Tower right before April 19th, 2004.
2) Eric Rainbolt's prediction of the CDC announcement on 22/02/2005 of a coming global pandemic of deadly flu made in December of 2004.
(see calendar of Illuminati events graphic.)
3) Michael Haupt's, of
July 22nd, 2005 prediction that came true. Surely the next large event, perhaps in America again, will be in line with freemasonic numerology.
The architects of our "history" proudly and covertly apply freemasonic numerology in: 'news' headlines (especially the number of dead/injured reported in each event), congressional legislation ( ie. HR 666, 418 ), and spacings between global events of 'history'.
The 132 page Revelation 9:11 ebook (adobe pdf) explains the reverse engineered freemasonic numerical code:
(3,7,"11",13,19,39,93,111 - and multiples of each such as "666")
in historical context from
1900-2005. The ebook can be downloaded from Alex Jones' as well. Printed copies can be acquired from my online bookstore, the print-on-demand publisher
I believe if the Father/Creator who art in Heaven of the Old Testment hears from enough people, and they turn from their ignorance He will
be more inclined to heal matters. (II Chronicles 7:14)
Eric Rainbolt, Researcher,
Author's blog:
Here is the terror outlook for the next 40 days based on the patterning:
Tomorrow - July 28th, 2005 (actually a strong one - 6 7's in there! Yikes -and with the Congress staying up late to pass Shafta tonight - that might mean a big event soon - only after that got that passed... i have a but of a eerie feeling about that one... i was just looking at the dates, and tomorrow is strong - considering how they used 7/7 (3 7's) and 7/21 (5 7's), tomorrow would be 6 7's - also adds to 42 - another 6x7) **** (4.5 out of 5 stars) - if they were going to light off a nuke it would be on a dates such as this one...) (Jack - you may want to note on air all the 7's in tomorrow's date for the heck of it...)
8/3 (adds to 11 - full sum to 18) (3.5/5 stars)
8/5 (adds to 13) (3/5 stars - the freemasons put a plaque on the statue of liberty on 8/5 - and also groundbreaking of WTC complex was 8/5)
8/11 (11 and adds to 19) (3.6/5 stars) (they do love to use 11's visible)
8/13 (13 and adds to 21 and 28 (plus 2+0+0+5)) (4.1 out of 5 stars)
8/21 (21(3x7) and full number total is 36 - "666") (4.6 out of 5 stars)
8/22 (2x11 - full sum is 37(like 777)) - (3.4 out of 5 stars)
8/27 (27 and full sum - 42 (6x7)) (3 out of 5 stars)
8/28 (28(4x7) and day and month adds to 36(666) - full sum 42(6x7)) (4/5 stars)
8/31 (day and month sum to 39 (13x3) (They took out Diana on an 8/31)
9/3 (represents 999 - inverted 666 - sums to 12 and full sum is 19) - 4/5 stars)
9/7 ( a 7 9x7=63(666)) - (2.7 out of 5 stars)
9/11 (an 11, sums to another 11 and 18, multiplies to 99 ) - (4/5 stars) - 9/11's are huge, pentagon anniversary, kremlin shake-up, 1972 olympics terror, and more - 4/5 stars
(12 candidate dates out of the next 40 - only 30% of all days)
Strongest candidates: 7/28 (tomorrow), 8/3, 8/13, 8/21, 8/22, 8/28, 9/3, 9/11
(8 out of 40 dates - 19.5% of dates)
Another David Icke forum member pointed out there is another candidate - and indeed there is - the 60th anniversary of the US dropping an a-bomb on Hiroshima - August 6th.
I really sent that 'forecast' as kind of an fyi - yet posting it lends credenence to the pattern exposed in the book.
However, this is just another fyi for the 8/6 date candidate:
8/6 - 8+6+2+5=21(3x7) This will be the day of the 60th anniversary of the US nuking Hiroshima, Japanese mostly Christian city on the 33rd parallel. Enola Gay's mission/flight number was "13" for that event. "3" days later on the "9th" they did it again to Nagasaki for no good reason at all. (Would the globalists be arrogant enough strike again on this mournful anniversary?) Perhaps this will be the day the LA ghettos or Clevland Ohio, etc... will be leveled by the shadow government, followed by 'retalitory' nuking of Tehran. We will only 'know' in hindsight.
If you decide to insert that or not, it's ok with me. My intent wasn't really to scare anyone - just to point this bizarre phemonemon out. What the exposure of this proves is that the NWO is a real 'global' problem and that they worship Lucifer - "The Great Archictect" who they are apparently trying to please by scheduling 'history' in accordance with 'sacred' freemasonic numerology.
Article "Henry, Thanks so much for" By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Thanks so much for linking to my report. The hits have been streaming in. I know you receive a great deal of email, but hopefully you have the time to read this brief update on the direction I am headed.
Perhaps you know that the Kabbalah is at the very heart of the Sabbatean movement that Barry Chamish has been exposing lately (see You see, just prior to the year 1666 (perhaps in anticipation of the "666" of Revelation?) Kabbalistic scholar Nathan of Gaza was about 18 years old when the "angels" spoke to him and told him to preach that Sabatai Sevi was the Messiah of the Jews. The whole Sabbatean movement is pretty well documented, including the testimony that Nathan gave of his mystical experiences, and how his role was simply as a mouthpiece for the "angels" to direct Sevi's actions. It was all so believable that many of his followers were faithful and unfazed even when Sevi converted to Islam during his incarceration under the Turks.
After yet another failed Messianic movement instigated by the "angels" of the Kabbalah, the Kabbalah was again discredited within Judaism. However, it remained a powerful force in occultism within the "Gentile" world, basically acting as a false "Judeo-Christian" link to the angels that were actually the spiritual forces of paganism that survived within the Hermetic documents that were translated during the Renaissance.
And then as the Hermetic-Kabbalistic tradition evolved it eventually turned, first, into a viciously anti-Christian political force (Weishaupt's Illuminati was one of the first to actively plot against Christianity as a whole), and then also into an anti-Semitic political force (most notably with Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical movement that helped to inspire Hitler).
Lately I have been doing a lot of research into the Templars and its offshoot the Freemasons, and I have been studying how this vast body of research connects with EIR's historical material that exposes the insidious role of Venice from the Crusades to the Thirty Years War (approx.1200-1650). See
I have come to realize how Venice was actually a bastion of paganism throughout its existence. It was continualy a thorn in the side of the Catholic Church, and it was the architect of the Protestant Reformation, as well as the architect of the over-reactive Counter-Reformation that created the Inquisition.
Early on, Venice was instrumental in getting Henry VIII to break with Rome and Spain (1529), and by this time England was already infected with anti-Catholic sentiments through the ancestors of the Templar elite and through the Masonic lodges that had crept down from Scotland, which is where many of the Templars had fled in the early 1300s.
England became a Satanic power base through the combined effect of the Scottish Templar/Freemasons; the spread of the spirit-conjuring Hermetic-Kabbalist teachings of Cornelius Agrippa, the Venetian Franciscan monk Francisco Giorgi, Giordano Bruno, and John Dee; as well as through the Aristotelian materialistic teachings of atheistic Venetian scholar Paolo Sarpi that inspired (and were plagiarized by) Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes, and later John Locke and Isaac Newton.
These three occult streams merged together in London, which became the new Venice, and once again evil was entrenched in an island fortress. From there the "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:10-12) were able to continue their battle against humanity.
After the Church was deliberately torn apart by the successful schemes of these unholy beings, and after Europe was ravaged by seemingly never-ending religious warfare, the Rosicrucian movement came on the scene in the early 1600s. It began with documents that spoke of a secret movement that was working to establish a peaceful New World Order of love and religious tolerance. The Rosicrucian movement pretended to acknowledge Christianity as the true faith (or a true faith), but underneath it was infused with pagan hermetic and kabbalistic symbolism and imagery. Its roots were undoubtedly with the spirit-conjurers at the head of the Satanic heirarchy, with whom Francis Bacon was intimately involved (for instance his New Atlantis). Rosicrucianism was but one of many examples of a bogus solution being offered for a manufactured crisis.
As Venice faded from being the world's most powerful economic force London took its place. Under Cromwell (1600s) the Jewish financier element was invited in, coming from their previous bases in Venice, Amsterdam and Antwerp, and provided further anti-Christian fuel for the fire. They helped finance the British East India Company that reaped the profits of British Imperialism around the globe over the centuries.
The 1700s saw the rise of openly anti-Christian sentiment in the form of Bernard de Mandeville and Voltaire, both sheltered by London at times, and then the anti-Christian thinking of David Hume and Adam Smith (both Scottish, by the way). Then as Weishaupt's Illuminati was built up from Frankfurt, Germany (the home of the Rothschilds), Weishaupt ordered his operatives to leave English lodges alone. The Illuminati and the subsequent French Revolution were both run from London.
The 1800s saw England become fertile soil for Darwin, and London saw fit to shelter Karl Marx as he was fabricating his secular theory about the evolution of society and economics. London was also the sanctuary of the legendary Masonic revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini, who was allegedly the Grandmaster of the reconstituted Illuminati, as well as the friend of Albert Pike and Helena Blavatsky (both spirit-conjuring Kabbalah-based Luciferians.)
In 1854 London was also visited by a budding young occultist named Alphonse-Louis Constant (Eliphas Levi). His biographer Christopher McIntosh states that it was here that he was introduced to the "international network of occultists." However, the biography mentions only his meeting of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, and the other connections he made remain unknown. However, McIntosh writes that Levi's "most important event" during this time was his "famous evocation of Apollonius of Tyana."
Apollonius of Tyana is, according to Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, a third century personality that Jesus of Nazareth was reincarnated into after his death. Levi writes that Apollonius correctly predicted the answers to two questions that he asked of him. The first answer was "death!" concerning a friend of a friend, and the second was "dead!" concerning his marriage.
After leaving London, Eliphas Levi's career as an occult scholar took off, and he pioneered the use of the Kabbalah with John Dee's Enochian angel magic to supposedly create a better system of spirit-conjuring. Levi became perhaps the most famous occultist of the 19th century, and his work was the foundation of the occultism of the Golden Dawn, and of Aleister Crowley, who firmly believed that he, himself, was Levi's reincarnation.
Again, let me stress that the foundation of the Kabbalah is its system of 70 or 72 names of God that are in turn connected with the angelic powers that lead the 70 nations of the world. The position of these angels was overturned at the Crucifixion, and they are now the fallen angels in league with Satan, but the Kabbalah does not acknowledge this fact and portrays them as Holy Angels. The Kabbalah is basically an occult system that offers at its heart a way to connect with these angels as mediators between "God" and man. And who is the god of the fallen angels? What god do you think they lead the open-minded and enthusiastic metaphysical adventurer to?
Aleister Crowley has the answer, which he found after climbing all the ladders, after jumping through all the hoops, and after passing through all the grades that occultism pretends to offer. His final task was to "Cross the Abyss" whereupon he came face to face with his "God." This quest of his is recorded in his autobiography, or in a shorter form in the article at
The answer was the culmination of a ritual that Crowley undertook with Victor Neuburg in the desert of Algeria, thirty days journay away from the closest settlement. Here is Crowley's "God" who is also the "God" of the angels invoked by the Kabbalah (note the reference to "70"):
"For he is wisdom, and by wisdom hath he made the Worlds, and from that wisdom issue judgements 70 by 4, that are the 4 eyes of the double-headed one; that are the 4 devils, Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Belial, that are the great princes of the evil of the world.
And Satan is worshipped by men under the name of Jesus; and Lucifer is worshipped by men under the name of Brahma; and Leviathan is worshipped by men under the name of Allah; and Belial is worshipped by men under the name of Buddha."
The "double-headed one" refers to the supposed good/evil sides of Crowley's Most High God, whose four eyes are four aspects of evil that are also worshiped in their "positive form" by the major religions. Another name for this "God" is Choronzon, as Colin Lowe, the writer of the above article, explains,
"The secret of Choronzon is that Choronzon and the "Most High" are the same. There isn't a sheet of paper that one could insert between them. This is the origin of Bill Heidrick's comment that there isn't much point in preventing Choronzon from manifesting in the physical universe, because the universe is "in a sense" Choronzon. The "Most High" is as demonically poisonous and destructive as Choronzon, and declares, like Choronzon, that He is the only God. Every pulpit thumper is Choronzon, declaring the one truth; and the pulpit thumpers, thundering at the blasphemies and heresies and sacriligious untruths of other pulpit thumpers are the many faces of Choronzon. Every person who makes a world for other people to live in is the "Most High", setting down laws of right and wrong, good and evil, and in their demiurgic isolation they are also Choronzon. Every aspect of Chronozon, declaring "I am I" in brief isolation from the whole, is the Most High, but taken together (and there can only be one Most High) they constitute the raving dispersion of Choronzon.
Choronzon is the particular foe of magicians. Dee, for example, believed utterly in a Most High who had all knowledge. A common theme in the Enochian Keys is that the magician commands because he is a "true worshipper of the Highest". As a magician approaches the heirophantic position in Chesed, the last sephira before the Abyss, he is assumed to have all the answers. He is a pope in his own world, with faithful followers who demand mysteries with answers, who demand revelations just as Dee prayed for revelations. That is why Choronzon scorns Neuburg's claim to know more than he - Choronzon has all the answers anyone could ever want. A problem with having all the answers is that all the other hierophants also have all the answers, and so the eleventh Aethyr is the Holy City with its mighty walls and towers and motionless legions guarding against the terrible powers of the Abyss, where everything is real, and nothing is true, and the mightiest of hierophants is nothing."
That is how the fallen angels lead men to believe that Satan is the only God, thus fulfilling Satan's ultimate wish, as expressed in Isaiah 14:13-14,
"But you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."
Today Aleister Crowley is the world's most honored and celebrated occultist. He is beyond a doubt the posthumous "High Priest of the New Age." In Britain after Crowley's death the academic establishment took a great deal of interest in Crowley's legacy, but from a dry materialistic and clinical perspective, of course. They pinpointed the few occasions when Crowley would throw interviewers for a loop by saying that perhaps his experiences were but a figment of his imagination, or manifestations of his subconscious. However, under the surface, Britain's occult subculture devoured the instructions left by Crowley and followed the path that he left for initiates to achieve spiritual "enlightenment."
Until 1991 the world's foremost academic expert on the legacy of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley was Ellic Howe. He was inducted into the United Grand Lodge of England in 1970, and then in 1978 he progressed to the point that he was elected Grand Master of the Quator Coronati Lodge of London.
After Howe died in 1991, the number one expert on Golden Dawn/Crowley scholarship was Robert A. Gilbert. He also served for a time as Grand Master of the QC Lodge.
The QC Lodge is the world's most prestigious lodge dedicated entirely to masonic scholarship. This lodge was the driving force behind the late-20th century emergence of the vast body of literature dedicated to revealing Templar-Masonic connections, including the work of men like Michael Baigent, a QC member, who co-wrote the massive bestseller Holy Blood, Holy Grail in 1982. Baigent is presently the editor of Freemasonry Today.
The QC Lodge is thus the primary promoter of the commonly-accepted belief that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene, that he had children and died, and that the only religion he espoused was a simple spirituality closer to the mystery religions of egypt and babylon than to Judaism, and that his teachings are nowhere more perfectly expressed than in the tenets of, you guessed it: FREEMASONRY!
Holy Blood, Holy Grail then led to a cottage industry of books based on historical sleuthing of Templars, Masons and secret societies that always humanized Jesus and demonized Christianity and especially the Catholic Church. Today it resurfaces in the work of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons.
The QC Lodge is also at the heart of the masonic movement to rebuild Solomon's Temple. The Temple of Solomon is the foundation of masonic symbolism, and the imagery and parables of masonic ritual point initiates always to the East to Jerusalem where it is to be rebuilt. One of Crowley's "masterpieces" of occult instruction is entitled The Temple of Solomon the King, which, for him, is the initiate's metaphysical goal and destination. The current project of the masonic elite is to make the mystical goal of masonry a material place. See for further evidence of this project.
Critics who love to point the finger at Christian Fundamentalists and Jewish Zionists because of their misguided support for a rebuilt Temple should be informed that another force, one that is also spiritually-motivated, seeks the same goal for the Temple Mount. It has the same goal but perhaps it has more clout in the form of raw political power and virtually unlimited funding. The problem that faces them is that they must pull it off in a way that leaves them unnoticed and unmarked, with Jews and Christians remaining in the aftermath as the focus of the world's anger and disgust.
The British-based magazine Biblical Archaeological Review promotes two men as Temple Mount experts. One is Dr. Asher Kaufman, a member of the QC Lodge, and another is Dr. Leen Ritmeyer, who is employed by the Rothschild family. Ritmeyer's recent work, promoted by BAR, argues that Solomon's Temple stood exactly over the spot now occupied by Islam's Dome of the Rock.
Shake it all up together and what you have is a recipe that virtually guarantees the Apocalypse in our generation.
And then when things appear to be at their worst the "good" manifestation of Aleister Crowley's god will appear in his costume of "love and light," with a tantalizing and flattering offer to lead humanity into the New Age.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God... by this the love of God was manifested in us that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him... By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment." 1 John 4:7-17
Article "Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World?" By Henry Makow Ph.D.
"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)
The "Maryland Sniper" is on everyone's mind.
In March, Svali, an ex-Illuminati mind controller wrote:
"There is a lot more going on in the suburbs around Washington, DC than most people realize," She described how the Illuminati cult brainwashed and trained people to become assassins.
Has the mainstream media suggested a possible link to this cult? Do I need to ask?
In Svali's words, "who do you think owns AOL-Time Warner?"
To date, 12 people have been hit. Will the sniper stop at 13? Thirteen is a significant number in Freemasonry, which is an Illuminati vehicle. Thirteen represents Christ and his 12 disciples. The number signifies their scorn and hatred for Christianity.
The "Maryland sniper," (like September 11 and the "War on Terror") appear designed to traumatize and manipulate the public. I'm guessing that the sniper's "purpose" is to build a case for gun control and domestic involvement by the military.
Did you know that a "terrorist" started the First World War by killing the heir to the Austrian throne? The terrorist was a Freemason. Most wars are engineered by the Illuminati to weaken civilization and create a global police state, the "New World Order."
We need to see current events in a new way. The conflict is NOT between countries or religions or "civilizations."
The conflict is between the people and most of our "leaders" -- government, media, religion, education and business -- who owe their position to this extremely powerful and evil cult. They are traitors.
Who is the Illuminati? We are still living off the twilight rays of Western Civilization, which was based on Christianity. Civilization is always based on a religion, an ideal. Christ taught that God is Immanent and His Plan is to manifest Himself through His Creation. We must do His will rather than pursue our own selfish desires. Kings derived their authority from God and were answerable to Him.
The Jewish Pharisees rejected Christ. They practised a naturalistic religion that turned Christ's message on its head. Man is God, rules the universe, and defines reality. We can indulge our desires. Dating back to Zoroastrianism, the Jewish Cabala reverses the roles of God and Lucifer and embraces occult symbols, rituals and blood sacrifices.
This is the Cosmic Struggle between Spirit and Matter: God will be Immanent; Matter will resist. This is the conflict between God (the view that man is unfinished, and dependent on Divine revelation) and Lucifer (man is already god.)
The Cabalists secretly dedicated themselves to destroying Christianity and Western civilization. In 1773 Amschel Mayer Rothschild convened a meeting of 12 prominent Jewish bankers and other prominent Jewish personalities and submitted a programme to level the social order using the contradictory promise of "liberty" and "equality." In 1776, they had Adam Weishaupt organize the Order of the Illuminati, which merged with Freemasonry in 1782. Freemasonry is Cabala and, in the words of Andre Krylienko, (The Red Thread) it was "launched for the purpose of enlisting non-Jews consciously or unconsciously in the service of Jewry." (p.93)
The Illuminati was behind the revolutionary movements of the 18th -- 20th Century as well as their respective reigns of terror. The bankers used their power to spread their Satanic convictions. They had finagled a monopoly on credit (usurping the government's right to create money) and they needed to control the world in order to protect this prize.
Their influence on world history can be seen in the story of the red hexagram, commonly known as the "Star of David." According to researcher Fritz Springmeier, the Star of David was not associated with Jews until the Rothschilds adopted it as their symbol in 1822. The Rothschilds were considered the leaders of the Jews but I don't know if the Jews knew the Rothschilds were Satanists. The Star of David is really "The Seal of Solomon," an occult symbol for the Satanic. Solomon worshipped the star "Astoreth."
Before we feel smug, the Great Seal of the United States is also a Masonic symbol. According to Eustace Mullins, the top of the pyramid is missing to indicate that they have not yet put into operation the final stages of their conspiracy. "The eye represents that Great Architect of the Universe, a cabalist concept; it is enclosed in a triangle which is the symbol of magic. The thirteen steps refer to Satan, Belial and rebellion..." (The Curse of Canaan, 141) The inscription "Novo Ordo Seclorum" means "New Secular Order."
Mullins says the leading international bankers were motivated by freemasonry: "From the year 1776, Freemasonry has been an omnipresent international government operating treasonably from within the United States, and it has exercised those powers ever since." (140)
Without fanfare, Freemasonry is being introduced as the New World Religion. We are being brainwashed with it every day. So you need to know that:
Freemasonry is a religion that believes Lucifer is the "God of light and God of good, struggling for humanity against Adonay, God of darkness and evil."
It is a secret society that demands adherents swear blind obedience on pain of death before they even know what it represents.
It practises deception. It reserves its truths for the adept; the initiate is "intentionally mislead by false interpretations."
It preaches "tolerance" and the universality of all religions in order to negate them all. Christianity is especially abjured. "Universality does not mean Christianity." (Quotes from Masonic Texts from Gary Kah, En Route to Global Occupation pp.120-140)
Freemasonry is taught to your child. For example, a survey of schools in my city shows that 75% no longer use the word "Christmas" to describe their holiday season festivities. Instead Christmas has been replaced with such jargon as "winter concerts" and "international celebration of holidays."
The Christmas tree at the Legislature was renamed "multicultural tree" until a storm of protest forced the politicians to relent.
"We have to abandon our culture in order to respect everyone else's? It's kind of silly." one parent complained.
But this is exactly the agenda: To destroy Christianity, just as they have destroyed empires, nations, heterosexual identities and nuclear families. The agenda is to strip people of power and identity leaving us defenceless in the face of one-world tyranny.
The lesson of this story is that God is indispensable. He is Reality. We cannot deny Him without denying the principle of our own fulfillment. A secular world order is prey to the devil. This is impasse we are in. We are ruled by a satanic cult.
Some things we can do: 1) boycott the mass media; 2) "out" politicians, teachers and media figures who are pushing the freemason agenda; 3) refuse to hate other people or fight other countries; 4) celebrate the things the Masons hate -- nationhood (internationalism causes war) heterosexual identities, nuclear families, Christianity and God. (more) (less)
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Pinoy Memories 36
The 21 Quest Registration===>
However, the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus continued in the autonomous regions of Western Mindanao and Central Mindanao. The Opposition dubbed the lifting Pinoy Memories - Philippine President Marcos explains his "New Society" plan for the ordinary Filipino since declaring Martial Law through-out the nation on September 21, 1972.
Martial law and the New Society:
Proclamation of martial law - The spate of bombings and subversive activities led President Marcos to declare that "there is throughout the land a state of anarchy and lawlessness, chaos and disorder, turmoil and destruction of a magnitude equivalent to an actual war between the forces of our duly constituted government and the New People's Army and their satellite organizations...and that public order and safety and security of the nation demand that immediate, swift, decisive and effective action be taken to protect and insure the peace, order and security of the country and its population and to maintain the authority of the government."
On September 21, 1972 President Marcos issued Presidential Proclamation No. 1081 placing the entire country under martial law but it was announced only two days later. In proclaiming martial law, President Marcos assured the public that "the proclamation of martial law is not a military takeover" and that civilian government still functions.
Initial measures - In his first address to the nation after issuing Proclamation
No. 1081, President Marcos said that martial law has two objectives: (1) to save the republic, and (2) to "reform the social, economic and political institutions in our country."
In accordance with the two objectives, President Marcos issued general orders and letters of instruction to that effect:
General Order No. 1 -- The President proclaimed that he should govern the nation and direct the operations of the Government, including all its agencies and instrumentalities, as Commander-in-Chief of all the armed forces of the Philippines;
General Order No. 2 -- The President directed the Secretary of National Defense to arrest or cause the arrest and take into his custody the individuals named in the attached list and to hold them until otherwise so ordered by the President or by his duly designated representative, as well as to arrest or cause the arrest and take into his custody and to hold them otherwise ordered released by him or by his duly authorized representative such persons who may have committed crimes described in the Order;
General Order No.3 -- The President ordered that all executive departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the National Government, government owned or controlled corporations, as well all governments of all the provinces, cities, municipalities and barrios should continue to function under their present officers and employees, until otherwise ordered by the President or by his duly designated representatives. The President further ordered that the Judiciary should continue to function in accordance with its present organization and personnel, and should try and decide in accordance with existing laws all criminal and civil cases, except certain cases enumerated in the Order.
General Order No. 4 -- The President ordered that a curfew be maintained and enforced throughout the Philippines from twelve o'clock midnight until four o'clock in the morning.
General Order No. 5 -- All rallies, demonstrations and other forms of group actions including strikes and picketing in vital industries such as in companies engaged in manufacture or processing as well as in production or processing of essential commodities or products for exports, and in companies engaged in banking of any kind, as well as in hospitals and in schools and colleges are prohibited.
General Order No. 6 -- No person shall keep, possess or carry outside of his residence any firearm unless such person is duly authorized to keep, possess or carry any such firearm.
Letter of Instruction No. 1 -- The President ordered the Press Secretary and the Secretary of National Defense to take over and control or cause the taking over and control of newspapers, magazines, radio and television facilities and all other media of communications for the duration of the national emergency.
Letter of Instruction No. 2 -- The President ordered the Secretary of National Defense to take over the management, control and operation of the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (Nawasa), the Philippine National Railways (PNR), the Philippine Airlines, Air Manila, Filipinas Orient Airways, and other public utilities.
Letter of Instruction No. 3 -- The President ordered the Secretary of National Defense to take over the possession, control, operation of all privately owned aircraft and watercraft of whatever make bearing Philippine registry and to keep such under his custody for the duration of national emergency or until otherwise ordered by the President.
Letter of Instruction No. 4 -- The President ordered the Secretary of Foreign Affairs not to issue travel papers such as passports and other like documents to any citizens of the Philippines except to those who are being sent abroad in the service of the Philippines.
Letter of Instruction No. 5 -- The President ordered the Secretary of Justice and all subordinate officials under him not to issue any police or immigration clearance to any citizen of the Philippines who may wish to depart for other country.
Letter of Instruction No. 6 -- The President ordered the Secretary of Finance and all subordinate officials under him not to issue any tax clearance to any citizen of the Philippines who may wish to depart for other country.
Pursuant to General Order No. 1, the following were arrested and detained by the military: Representatives Roque Ablan, Jr.(Ilocos Norte), Rafael Aquino (Sorsogon) and Rolando Puzon; Senators Benigno Aquino, Jr., Jose W. Diokno and Ramon Mitra; Governors Rolando Puzon (Kalinga-Apayao) and Lino Bocalan (Cavite); former Senator Francisco "Soc" Rodrigo; Con Con delegates Napoleon Rama, Enrique Voltaire Garcia, II, Teofisto Guingona, Jr., Bren Guiao, Alejandro Lichauco, Jose Nolledo, Jose Concepcion, Jr., and Jose Mari Velez; journalists Joaquin 'Chino" Roces, Maximo Soliven, Teodoro Locsin, Sr., Amando Doronilla, Renato Constantino, and Luis Mauricio. Others arrested are as follows: Hernando Abaya, Ang Nay Quang, Luis Beltran, Jorge Bocobo, IV, Ramon Chramico, Cipriano cid, Chua Giok Su @ Bob Chua, Herminio Caloma, Romeo Dizon, Armando Eufemio, Rolando Fadul, Rolando Feleo, Jose Fuentes @ Joey, Rosalinda Galang @ Roz, Go Eng Guan, Flora Lansang, Teodosio Lansang, Guillermo Ponce de Leon, Joel Rocamora, etc. Most of the arrested were members of the opposition "sympathetic to the rebels or supporting the rebel movement" and members of the communist movement.
As a result of LOI No. 1, all newspapers, television and radio stations and other means of mass media were closed and placed under military control. Some of them were later permitted to reopen but under strict censorship. On September 22, 1972, the President signed Letter of Authority No.1, authorizing the Press Secretary and the Secretary of National Defense to permit the operation of Radio Philippines Network (RPN), Kanlaon Broadcasting System (KBS), and the Daily Express, "it having been established that they have not participated in a conspiracy to seize political and state power in the Philippines and to take over the government by force and violence.
The 1973 Constitution -- On March 16, 1967, the Philippine Congress passed Resolution No. 2 calling for a Constitutional Convention to change the Constitution.
Election of the delegates to the Convention were held on November 20, 1970 pursuant to Republic Act No. 6132, otherwise known as the "1970 Constitutional Convention Act."
The Constitutional Convention formally began on June 1, 1971. Former President Carlos P. Garcia, a delegate from Bohol, was elected President. Unfortunately he died on June 14, 1971 and was succeeded by another former President, Diosadado Macapagal of Pampanga.
Before the Convention could finish its work, martial law was proclaimed. Several delegates were placed under detention and others went into hiding or voluntary exile. The martial law declaration affected the final outcome of the convention. In fact, it was said, that the President dictated some provisions of the Constitution.
On November 29, 1972, the Convention approved its Proposed Constitution of the Philippines.
On November 30, 1972, the President issued Presidential Decree No.73 setting the date of the plebiscite on January 15, 1973 for the ratification or rejection of the proposed Constitution. On January 7, 1973, however, the President issued General Order No. 20 postponing indefinitely the plebiscite scheduled on January 15.
On January 10-15, 1973 Plebiscite, the Citizen Assemblies voted for (1) ratification of the 1973 Constitution, (2) the suspension of the convening of the Interim National Assembly, (3) the continuation of martial law, and (4) moratorium on elections for a period of at least seven years. On January 17, 1973 the President issued Proclamation No. 1102 announcing that the proposed Constitution had been ratified by an overwhelming vote of the members of the Citizen Assemblies, organized by Marcos himself through Presidential Decree No. 86
Various legal petitions were filed with the Supreme Court assailing the validity of the ratification of the 1973 Constitution.
On March 30, 1973, a divided Supreme Court ruled in Javellana vs. Executive Secretary (6 SCRA 1048) that "there is no further obstacle to the new Constitution being considered in force and effect."
The 1973 Constitution would have established in the Philippines a parliamentary government, with the President as a ceremonial head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. This was not implemented as a result of the referendum-plebiscite held on January 10-15, 1972 through the Citizen Assemblies whereby an overwhelming majority rejected the convening of a National Assembly.
From 1972 until the convening of the Interim Batasang Pambansa in 1978, the President exercised absolute legislative power.
1976 Amendments to the Constitution
On October 16-17, 1976 majority of barangay voters (Citizen Assemblies) approved that martial law should be continued and ratified the amendments to the Constitution proposed by President Marcos.
The 1976 Amendments were: an Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP) substituting for the Interim National Assembly, the President would also become the Prime Minister and he would continue to exercise legislative powers until martial law should have been lifted. The Sixth Amendment authorized the President to legislate:
Whenever in the judgment of the President there exists a grave emergency or a threat or imminence thereof, or whenever the Interim Batasang Pambansa or the regular National Assembly fails or is unable to act adequately on any matter for any reason that in his judgment requires immediate action, he may, in order to meet the exigency, issue the necessary decrees, orders or letters of instructions, which shall form part of the law of the land.
First national election under martial law
On April 7, 1978, the first national election under martial law was held. The election for 165- members of the Interim Batasang Pambansa resulted to the massive victory of the administration coalition party, the "Kilusang Bagong Lipunan ng Nagkakaisang Nacionalista, Liberal, at iba pa" or KBL. First Lady Imelda Marcos, KBL Chairman for NCR, won the highest number of votes in Metro Manila. Only 15 opposition candidates in other parts of the country won. Among them were: Francisco Tatad (former Secretary of Public Information to Pres. Marcos), Reuben Canoy (Mindanao Alliance), Homobono Adaza (MA), and Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. None of the members of Laban ng Bayan of former Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. were elected. The Opposition denounced the massive votebuying and cheating in that elections. The opposition Liberal Party boycotted the elections as a futile exercise.
On April 21, 1978, the election of 14 sectoral representatives (agricultural, labor, and youth) was held.
On June 12, 1978 the Interim Batasang Pambansa was convened with Ferdinand E. Marcos as President-Prime Minister and Querube Makalintal as Speaker.
Lifting of martial law - After putting in force amendments to the Constitution and legislations securing his sweeping powers and with the Batasan under his control, President Marcos lifted martial law on January 17, 1981. However, the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus continued in the autonomous regions of Western Mindanao and Central Mindanao. The Opposition dubbed the lifting of martial law as a mere "face lifting" as a precondition to the visit of Pope John Paul II.
1981 presidential election and the Fourth Republic
On June 16, 1981, six months after the lifting of martial law, the first presidential election in twelve years was held. As to be expected, President Marcos run and won a massive victory over the other candidates -- Alejo Santos of the Nacionalista Party (Roy Wing) and Cebu Assemblyman Bartolome Cabangbang of the Federal Party. The major opposition parties, Unido (United Democratic Opposition, a coalition of opposition parties, headed by Salvador Laurel) and Laban, boycotted the elections.
In an almost one-sided election, President Marcos won an overwhelming 88% of the votes, the highest in Philippine electoral history. The Nacionalista candidate Alejo Santos garnered only 8.6% of the votes and Cabangbang obtained less than 3%.
On June 30, 1981, President Marcos was inaugurated in grandiose ceremonies and proclaimed the "birth of a new Republic." The new Republic lasted only for less than five years. Economic and political crises led to its demise.
The failed impeachment attempt
On August 13, 1985, fifty-six Assemblymen signed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Marcos for graft and corruption, culpable violation of the Constitution, gross violation of his oath of office and other high crimes.
They cited the San Jose Mercury News exposé of the Marcoses' multi-million dollar investment and property holdings in the United States. The properties allegedly amassed by the First Family were the Crown Building, Lindenmere Estate, and a number of residential apartments (in New Jersey and New York), a shopping center in New York, mansions (in London, Rome and Honolulu), the Helen Knudsen Estate in Hawaii and three condominiums in San Francisco, California.
The Assemblymen also included in the complaint the misuse and misapplication of funds "for the construction of the Film Center, where X-rated and pornographic films are exhibited, contrary to public morals and Filipino customs and traditions."
The following day, the Committee on Justice, Human Rights and Good Government dismissed the impeachment complain for being insufficient in form and substance:
The resolution is no more than a hodge-podge of unsupported conclusions, distortion of law, exacerbated by ultra partisan considerations. It does not allege ultimate facts constituting an impeachable offense under the Constitution. In sum, the Committee finds that the complaint is not sufficient in form and substance to warrant its further consideration. It is not sufficient in form because the verification made by the affiants that the allegations in the resolution "are true and correct of our own knowledge" is transparently false. It taxes the ken of men to believe that the affiants individually could swear to the truth of allegations, relative to the transactions that allegedly transpired in foreign countries given the barrier of geography and the restrictions of their laws. More important, the resolution cannot be sufficient in substance because its careful assay shows that it is a mere charade of conclusions.
Economy - Economic performance during the Marcos era was strong at times, but when looked at over his whole regime, it was not characterized by strong economic growth. Penn World Tables report real growth in GDP per capita averaged 3.5% from 1951 to 1965, while under the Marcos regime (1966 to 1986), annual average growth was only 1.4%. To help finance a number of economic development projects, such as infrastructure, the Marcos government engaged in borrowing money. Foreign capital was invited to invest in certain industrial projects. They were offered incentives including tax exemption privileges and the privilege of bringing out their profits in foreign currencies. One of the most important economic programs in the 1980s was the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran (Movement for Livelihood and Progress). This program was started in September 1981. Its aim was to promote the economic development of the barangays by encouraging the barangay residents to engage in their own livelihood projects. The government's efforts resulted in the increase of the nation's economic growth rate to an average of six percent to seven percent from 1970 to 1980.[citation needed] The rate was only less than 5% in the previous decade. The Gross National Product rose from P55 billion ($7.7 billion) in 1972 to P193 billion ($27 billion) in 1980.[citation needed] Tourism rose, contributing to the economy's growth. Most of these "tourists" were Filipino balikbayans (returnees) who came under the Ministry of Tourism's Balikbayan Program, launched in 1973.
Economic growth was largely financed, however, by U.S. economic aid and several loans made by the Marcos government. The country's foreign debts were less than US$1billion when Marcos assumed the presidency in 1965, and more than US$28billion when he left office in 1986. A sizable amount of these moneys went to Marcos family and friends in the form of behest loans. These loans were assumed by the government and still being serviced by taxpayers. Today, more than half of the country's revenues are outlayed for the payments on the interests of loans alone.
Another major source of economic growth was the remittances of overseas Filipino workers. Thousands of Filipino workers, unable to find jobs locally, sought and found employment in the Middle East, Singapore and Hong Kong. These overseas Filipino workers not only helped ease the country's unemployment problem but also earned much-needed foreign exchange for the Philippines.
The Philippine economy suffered a great decline after the Aquino assassination by Fidel Ramos' assassination squad in August 1983. The wave of anti-Marcos demonstrations in the country that followed scared off tourists. The political troubles also hindered the entry of foreign investments, and foreign banks stopped granting loans to the Philippine government.
In an attempt to launch a national economic recovery program, Marcos negotiated with foreign creditors including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), for a restructuring of the country's foreign debts -- to give the Philippines more time to pay the loans. Marcos ordered a cut in government expenditures and used a portion of the savings to finance the Sariling Sikap (Self-Reliance), a livelihood program he established in 1984.
However, the economy experienced negative economic growth beginning in 1984 and continued to decline despite the government's recovery efforts. The recovery program's failure was caused by civil unrest, rampant graft and corruption within the government and by Marcos' lack of credibility. Marcos himself diverted large sums of government money to his party's campaign funds. The unemployment rate ballooned from 6.30% in 1972 to 12.55% in 1985.
The "Downfall" begins - The Philippine Daily Inquirer's headline, February 26.
During these years, his regime was marred by rampant corruption and political mismanagement by his relatives and cronies, which culminated with the assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr. Critics considered Marcos as the quintessential kleptocrat, having looted billions of dollars from the Filipino treasury. Much of the lost sum has yet to be accounted for, but recent documents have revealed that it was actually Fidel Ramos who had diverted the money (source required to substantiate this). He was also a notorious nepotist, appointing family members and close friends to high positions in his cabinet. This practice led to even more widespread mishandling of government, especially during the 1980s when Marcos was mortally ill with lupus and was in and out of office. Perhaps the most prominent example is the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, a multi-billion dollar project that turned out to be a white elephant which allegedly provided huge kickbacks to Marcos and his businessman-friend, Herminio Disini, who spearheaded the project. The reactor, which turned out to be based on old, costly designs and built on an earthquake fault, has still to produce a single watt of electricity. The Philippine government today is still paying interests on more than US$28 billion public debts incurred during his administration. It was reported that when Marcos fled, U.S. Customs agents discovered 24 suitcases of gold bricks and diamond jewelry hidden in diaper bags; in addition, certificates for gold bullion valued in the billions of dollars are allegedly among the personal properties he, his family, his cronies and business partners had surreptitiously taken with them when the Reagan administration provided them safe passage to Hawaii.
During his third term, Marcos's health deteriorated rapidly due to kidney ailments. He was absent for weeks at a time for treatment, with no one to assume command. Many people questioned whether he still had capacity to govern, due to his grave illness and the ballooning political unrest. With Marcos ailing, his equally powerful wife, Imelda, emerged as the government's main public figure. Marcos dismissed speculations of his ailing health--he used to be an avid golfer and fitness buff who liked showing off his physique. In light of these growing problems, the assassination of Aquino in 1983 would later prove to be the catalyst that led to his overthrow. Many Filipinos came to believe that Marcos, a shrewd political tactician, had no hand in the murder of Aquino but that he was involved in cover-up measures. However, the opposition blamed Marcos directly for the assassination while others blamed the military and his wife, Imelda. The 1985 acquittals of Gen. Fabian Ver as well as other high-ranking military officers for the crime were widely seen as a miscarriage of justice.
By 1984, his close personal ally, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, started distancing himself from the Marcos regime that he and previous American presidents had strongly supported even after Marcos declared martial law. The United States, which had provided hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, was crucial in buttressing Marcos' rule over the years. During the Carter administration the relation with the U.S. soured somewhat when President Jimmy Carter targeted the Philippines in his human rights campaign. In 1981 Vice President George Bush seemed to signal a different approach when in his visit to Manila he told Marcos, "We love your adherence to democratic principles and to democratic processes."
In the face of escalating public discontent and under pressure from foreign allies, Marcos called a snap presidential election for 1986, with more than a year left in his term. He selected Arturo Tolentino as his running mate. The opposition united behind Aquino's widow, Corazon and her running mate, Salvador Laurel.
The final tally of the National Movement for Free Elections, an accredited poll watcher, showed Aquino winning by almost 800,000 votes. However, the government tally showed Marcos winning by almost 1.6 million votes. This appearance of blatant fraud by Marcos led the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines and the United States Senate to condemn the elections. Both Marcos and Aquino traded accusations of vote-rigging. Popular sentiment in Metro Manila sided with Aquino, leading to a massive, multisectoral congregation of protesters, and the gradual defection of the military to Aquino led by Marcos' cronies, Enrile and Ramos. It must be noted that prior to his defection, Enrile's arrest warrant, having been charged for graft and corruption, was about to be served.[citation needed] The "People Power movement" drove Marcos into exile, and installed Corazon Aquino as the new president. At the height of the revolution, Enrile revealed that his ambush was faked in order for Marcos to have a pretext for imposing martial law. However, Marcos maintained that he was the duly-elected and proclaimed President of the Philippines for a fourth term. Marcos' wife was found to have over 2500 pairs of shoes in her closet.
The Marcos family and their associates went into exile in Hawaii and were later indicted for embezzlement in the United States. Marcos died in Honolulu on September 28, 1989 of kidney, heart and lung ailments. He was interred in a private mausoleum at Byodo-In Temple on the island of Oahu, visited daily by the Marcos family, political allies and friends. The late strongman's remains are currently interred inside a refrigerated crypt in Ilocos Norte, where his son, Ferdinand, Jr., and eldest daughter, Imee, have since become the local governor and representative, respectively. A Mount Rushmore-esque bust of Ferdinand Marcos, commissioned by Tourism Minister Jose Aspiras, was carved into a hillside in Benguet. It was subsequently destroyed by suspects that include left-wing activists, members of a local tribe who have been displaced by its construction, and looters hunting for the Marcos legendary hidden treasure. Imelda Marcos was acquitted of embezzlement by a U.S. court in 1990, but is still facing a few hundred additional graft charges in Philippine courts in 2006.
In 1995 some 10,000 Filipinos won a U.S. class-action lawsuit filed against the Marcos estate. The charges were filed by victims or their surviving relatives for torture, execution and disappearances.[25] Human rights groups place the number of victims of extrajudicial killings under martial law at 1500 and Karapatan (a local human rights group's) records show 759 involuntarily disappeared (their bodies never found). While military historian Alfred McCoy in his book "Closer than Brothers: Manhood at the Philippine Military Academy" and in his speech "Dark Legacy" cite 3,257 extrajudicial killings, 35,000 torture victims, and 70,000 incarcerated during the Marcos years. The newspaper "Bulatlat" place the number of victims of arbitrary arrest and detention at 120,000.
The Legacy - Prior to Marcos, Philippine presidents had followed the path of "traditional politics" by using their position to help along friends and allies before stepping down for the next "player." Marcos essentially destroyed this setup through military rule, which allowed him to rewrite the rules of the game so they favored the Marcoses and their allies.
His practice of using the politics of patronage in his desire to be the "amo" or godfather of not just the people, but the judiciary, legislature and administrative branches of the government ensured his downfall, no matter how Marcos justified it according to his own philosophy of the "politics of achievement". This practice entailed bribery, racketeering, and embezzlement to gain the support of the aforementioned sectors. The 14 years of his dictatorship, according to critics, have warped the legislative, judiciary and the military.
Another allegation was that his family and cronies looted so much wealth from the country that to this day investigators have difficulty determining precisely how many billions of dollars have been salted away. The Swiss government has also returned US$684 million in allegedly ill-gotten Marcos wealth.
According to staunch Marcos critic Jovito Salonga, author of the book "Presidential Plunder: the Quest for the Marcos Ill-Gotten Wealth," monopolies in several vital industries have been created and placed under the control of Marcos cronies, such as coconut (under Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr. and Juan Ponce Enrile), tobacco (under Lucio Tan), banana (under Antonio Floirendo), manufacturing (under Herminio Disini and Ricardo Silverio), and sugar (under Roberto Benedicto). The Marcos and Romualdez families became owners, directly or indirectly, of the nation's largest corporations, such as the Philippine Long Distance Company (PLDT), the Philippine Airlines (PAL), Meralco (a national electric company), Fortune Tobacco, the San Miguel Corporation (Asia's largest beer and bottling company), numerous newspapers, radio and TV broadcasting companies, several banks, real estate properties in New York, California and Hawaii. It was no exaggeration when Imelda Marcos declared in an interview, that her family "own practically everything in the Philippines.
The Aquino government also accused them of skimming off foreign aid and international assistance. This is a clear example of the aforementioned "crony capitalism" that Marcos introduced during the New Society.
His apologists claim Marcos was a good president gone bad and that he was a man of rare gifts--a brilliant lawyer, a shrewd politician and keen legal analyst with a ruthless streak and a flair for leadership.
Having been in power for more than 20 years, Marcos also had the very rare opportunity to lead the Philippines toward prosperity, with massive infrastructure he put in place as well as an economy on the rise.
However, he put these talents to work by building a regime that he apparently intended to perpetuate as a dynasty. A former aide of Marcos said that "Nobody will ever know what a remarkable president he could have made. That's the saddest part". Among the many documents he left behind in the Palace, after he fled in 1986, was one appointing his wife as his successor.
Opponents state that the evidence suggests that he used the communist threat as a pretext for seizing power. However, the communist insurgency was at its peak during the late 1960s to early 1970s when it was found out that the People's Republic of China was shipping arms to support the communist cause in the Philippines after the interception of a vessel containing loads of firearms. After he was overthrown, former Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile stated that certain incidents had been contrived to justify the imposition of Martial Law, such as Enrile's ambush.
The Martial Law dictatorship may have helped boost the communist insurgency's strength and numbers, but not to the point that could have led to the overthrow of the elected government. Marcos' regime was crucial in the United States' fight against communism and its influences, with Marcos himself being a staunch anti-communist. Marcos however had an ironically mild streak to his "strongman" image, and as much as possible avoided bloodshed and confrontation.[citation needed]
His most ardent supporters claim Marcos was serious about Martial Law and had genuine concern for reforming the society as evidenced by his actions during the period, up until his cronies, whom he entirely trusted, had firmly entrenched themselves in the government. By then, they say he was too ill and too dependent on them to do something about it. The same has been said about his relationship with his wife Imelda, who became the government's main public figure in light of his illness, by then wielding perhaps more power than Marcos himself.
It is important to note that many laws written by Marcos are still in force and in effect. Out of thousands of proclamations, decrees and executive orders, only a few were repealed, revoked, modified or amended. Few credit Marcos for promoting Filipino culture and nationalism. His 21 years in power with the help of U.S. massive economic aid and foreign loans enabled Marcos to build more schools, hospitals and infrastructure than any of his predecessors combined. Due to his iron rule, he was able to impose order and reduce crime by strict implementation of the law. The relative economic success that the Philippines enjoyed during the initial part of his presidency is hard to dispel. Many of Marcos' accomplishments were overlooked after the so-called "People Power" EDSA Revolution, but the Marcos era definitely had accomplishments in its own right.
A journalist said that "The Marcoses were the best of us, and they were the worst of us. That's why we say we hate them so much."
According to Transparency International, Marcos is the second most corrupt head of government ever, after Suharto. Even so, according to a recent survey, some Filipinos prefer Marcos' rule due to the shape of the country in administrations succeeding his. Many admire his autocratic, strong-arm rule, saying that his style of leadership is sorely missed and needed in the post-EDSA Philippines where too much democracy has ruined the body politic, with fractious standoffs in Congress, endless so-called "People Power" demonstrations, deadlocks in the Senate and movie actors as well as traditional politicians being elected into public office. A few are nostalgic for the Marcos era, where the government was well-organized and laws were strictly followed by civilians, leading to a relatively disciplined populace.
On the other hand, many despise his regime, his silencing the free press, his curtailing of civil liberties such as the right to peaceably assemble, his dictatorial control, the imprisonment, torture, murder and disappearance of thousands of his oppositionists, and his supposed shameless plunder of the nation's treasury. It is quite evident that the EDSA Revolution left the Philippine society polarized. Nostalgia remains high in parts of the populace for the Marcos era due to the downward spiral the Philippines fell into after his departure. It can be said that his public image has been significantly rehabilitated after worsening political and economic problems that have hounded his successors. The irony is that these economic troubles are largely due to the country's massive debts incurred during his administration. The Marcos Era's legacy, polarizing as it is, remains deeply embedded in the Philippines today. (more) (less)
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The 21 Quest Registration===>
the idea of calling us the Beetles, I said, 'how about the Beatles; you know, like the beat of the drum?' At the The Beatles
Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and John Lennon
Origin Liverpool, England
Rock/Pop - Years active 1960--1970
Parlophone, Capitol, Apple, Vee-Jay, Polydor, Swan, Tollie
Related to Tony Sheridan, The Quarrymen, The Plastic Ono Band, The Dirty Mac, Wings, Traveling Wilburys, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, Ringo Starr All-Starr Band, Billy Preston
Members - Ever to Date
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr
Former members
Stuart Sutcliffe
Pete Best
The Beatles were an English rock band from Liverpool whose members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They are the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed band in the history of popular music.
The Beatles are the best-selling musical act of all time in the United States of America, according to the Recording Industry Association of America, which certified them as the highest selling band of all time based on American sales of singles and albums. In the United Kingdom, The Beatles released more than 40 different singles, albums, and EPs that reached number one. This commercial success was repeated in many other countries: their record company, EMI, estimated that by 1985 they had sold over one billion discs and tapes worldwide. In 2004, Rolling Stone Magazine ranked The Beatles #1 on their list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. According to that same magazine, their innovative music and cultural impact helped define the 1960s,[2] and their influence on pop culture can still be felt today.
The Beatles led the mid-1960s musical "British Invasion" into the United States. Although their initial musical style was rooted in 1950s rock and roll and homegrown skiffle, the group explored genres ranging from Tin Pan Alley to psychedelic rock. Their clothes, styles, and statements made them trend-setters, while their growing social awareness saw their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960s.
1957--1960: Formation
The Quarrymen
In March 1957, John Lennon formed a skiffle group called The Quarrymen whilst attending Quarry Bank Grammar School in Liverpool.[6] Lennon and the Quarrymen met guitarist Paul McCartney at the Woolton Garden Fête held at St. Peter's Church on 6 July 1957.[7] On 6 February 1958, the young guitarist George Harrison was invited to watch the group (who played under a variety of names) at Wilson Hall, Garston, Liverpool.[8] McCartney had become acquainted with Harrison on the morning school bus ride to the Liverpool Institute, as they both lived in Speke. At McCartney's insistence, Harrison joined the Quarrymen as lead guitarist[9] after a rehearsal in March 1958, overcoming Lennon's initial reluctance because of Harrison's young age.[10] Members continually joined and left the lineup during that period, and in January 1960 Lennon's art school friend Stuart Sutcliffe joined on bass.[11] Lennon and McCartney both played rhythm guitar and the group had a high turnover of drummers.
The Quarrymen went through a progression of names — "Johnny and the Moondogs", "Long John and the Beatles", "the Silver Beetles" (derived from Larry Parnes' suggestion of "Long John and the Silver Beetles") — before settling on "The Beatles". There are many theories as to the origin of the name and its unusual spelling. It is usually credited to Lennon, who said that the name was a combination word-play on the insects "beetles" (as a reference to Buddy Holly's band, the Crickets) and the word "beat". Cynthia Lennon suggests that Lennon came up with the name Beatles at a "brainstorming session over a beer-soaked table in the Renshaw Hall bar."[12] Lennon, who was well known for giving multiple versions of the same story joked in a 1961 Mersey Beat magazine article that "It came in a vision — a man appeared on a flaming pie and said unto them, 'From this day on you are Beatles with an A'".[13] During an interview in 2001, Paul McCartney took credit for the peculiar spelling of the name, saying that "John had the idea of calling us the Beetles, I said, 'how about the Beatles; you know, like the beat of the drum?' At the time, everyone was stoned enough to find it hilarious. It's funny how history is made." [14]
In May 1960 The Beatles toured northeast Scotland as a back-up band with singer Johnny Gentle.[15] They met Gentle an hour before their first gig, and McCartney referred to the tour as a great experience for the band.[16] For the tour the often drummerless group secured the services of Tommy Moore, who was considerably older than the others.[17] Soon after the tour, however, feeling the age gap was too great Moore left the band and went back to work in a bottling factory as a fork-lift truck driver.[18] Norman Chapman was the band's next drummer, but was called up for National Service in a few weeks. His departure posed a significant problem as the group's unofficial manager, Allan Williams, had arranged for them to perform in clubs on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, Germany.[19]
1960--1970: The Beatles
On 15 August 1960, McCartney invited Pete Best to become the group's permanent drummer. He had watched Best play with the Blackjacks[20] in the Casbah Club, owned by Pete's mother, Mona Best. This was a cellar club in West Derby, Liverpool, where The Beatles had played and often visited.[21] In the documentary The Compleat Beatles, Williams said that Best "played not too cleverly, but passable."
The Beatles started playing in Hamburg at the Indra and Kaiserkeller bars. They were required to play six or seven hours a night, seven nights a week. Shortly after they began performing at a new venue, the "Top Ten Club",[22] Harrison was deported for having lied to the German authorities about his age.[23] A week later, having started a small fire at their living quarters while vacating it for more luxurious rooms, McCartney and Best were arrested, charged with arson, and deported.[24] Lennon followed the others to Liverpool in mid-December.
The reunited Beatles played their first engagement on 17 December 1960 at the Casbah Club and returned to Hamburg in April 1961. Whilst playing at the Top Ten Club they were recruited by singer Tony Sheridan to act as his backing band on a series of recordings for the German Polydor Records label,[25] produced by famed bandleader Bert Kaempfert.[19] Kaempfert signed the group to its own Polydor contract at the first session on 22 June 1961. On 31 October Polydor released the recording "My Bonnie (Mein Herz ist bei dir nur)", which appeared on the German charts under the name "Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers", a generic name used for whoever happened to be in Sheridan's backup band.[26] In addition to the legend that this record led to the group's eventual meeting with Brian Epstein, it also resulted in their first mention in the American press. Around the beginning of 1962, Cashbox mentioned "My Bonnie" as the debut of a "new rock and roll team, Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers". A few copies were also pressed under the Decca label for U.S. disc jockeys, as American Decca had a distribution deal with Polydor parent Deutsche Grammophon.[27] (This was ironic, considering that by this time the then-unaffiliated British Decca had turned down the group's attempt to gain a recording contract.) When the group returned to Liverpool, Sutcliffe stayed on in Hamburg with his new German fiancee Astrid Kirchherr, [28] and McCartney took over bass duties.[29]
Their third stay in Hamburg was from 13 April to 31 May 1962, when they opened The Star Club.[19] Upon their arrival they were informed of Sutcliffe's death from a brain haemorrhage.[30]
Epstein took over as the group's manager in January 1962 and led The Beatles' quest for a British recording contract. Epstein had been manager of the record department at North End Music Store (NEMS), an offshoot of his family's furniture store. He played on the status of NEMS as a major record dealer to gain access to producers and recording company executives. In a now-famous exchange, Decca Records A&R executive Dick Rowe turned Epstein down flat, informing him that "Guitar groups are on the way out, Mr. Epstein."[31] While Epstein was negotiating with Decca, he also approached EMI marketing executive Ron White.[32] White (who was not himself a record producer) in turn contacted EMI producers Norrie Paramor, Walter Ridley, and Norman Newell, all of whom declined to record The Beatles.[33] White did not approach EMI's fourth staff producer — George Martin — who was on holiday at the time.[34]
Record contract
After failing to impress Decca Records, Epstein went to the HMV store on Oxford Street in London to transfer the Decca tapes to discs. There, recording engineer Jim Foy referred him to Sid Coleman, who ran EMI's publishing arm. When Coleman heard the demo tapes he suggested taking the tapes to George Martin, who, Coleman explained, "does comedy records" and headed the Parlophone label at EMI. Epstein eventually met with Martin, who signed the group to EMI on a one-year renewable contract and scheduled their first recording session on 6 June at EMI's Abbey Road studios in north London.[35] Martin had not been particularly impressed by the band's demo recordings,[36] but he instantly liked them as people when he met them. He concluded that they had raw musical talent, but said (in later interviews) that what made the difference for him was their wit and humour.[37]
Martin did have a problem with Pete Best, [36] whom he criticised for not being able to keep time. He privately suggested to Epstein that the band use another drummer in the studio. Best was good-looking and popular with the group's fans, but the three founding members had become increasingly unhappy with his drumming and his personality.[citation needed] There was speculation by some that Best's popularity[38] with fans was another source of friction. In addition, Epstein had become exasperated with his refusal to adopt the distinctive hairstyle as part of their unified look. Best also had missed a number of engagements because of illness. The three founding members enlisted Epstein to dismiss Best - which he did on 16 August 1962.[39] They asked Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey), the drummer for one of the top Merseybeat groups, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, to join the band, as Starr had performed occasionally with The Beatles in Hamburg.[40] The first recordings of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison, and Starr together were made as early as 15 October 1960, in a series of demonstration records privately recorded in Hamburg while acting as the backing group for singer Lu Walters.[41] Starr played on The Beatles' second EMI recording session on 4 September 1962, but Martin hired session drummer Andy White for their next session on 11 September.[42]
Their recording contract paid them one penny for each single sold, which was split amongst the four Beatles — one farthing per group member.[43] This royalty rate was further reduced for singles sold outside the UK, on which they received half of one penny (again split between the whole band) per single. Martin said later that it was a "pretty awful" contract.[43] Their publishing contract with Dick James Music (DJM) was also standard for the time: songwriters received the statutory minimum of 50% of the gross monies received, with the publisher retaining the other 50%.[citation needed]
The Beatles' first EMI session on 6 June did not yield any releasable recordings but the September sessions produced a minor UK hit, "Love Me Do", which peaked on the charts at number 17.[44] ("Love Me Do" reached the top of the U.S. singles chart over 18 months later in May 1964.) On 26 November they recorded their second single "Please Please Me", which reached no. 2 in the official UK charts and no. 1 in the NME chart. Three months later they recorded their first album (also titled Please Please Me). The band's first televised performance was on the People and Places programme transmitted live from Manchester by Granada Television on 17 October 1962.[45] As The Beatles' fame spread, the frenzied adulation of the group, predominantly from teenage female fans, was dubbed 'Beatlemania'. In November 1963 The Beatles appeared on the Royal Variety Performance and were photographed with Marlene Dietrich, who also appeared on the show.[citation needed]
Although the band experienced huge popularity in the UK record charts from early 1963, EMI's American operation, Capitol Records, declined to issue the singles "Please Please Me" and "From Me to You (their first official no. 1 hit in the UK)".[46] Vee-Jay Records, a small Chicago label, issued the singles as part of a deal for the rights to another performer's masters. Art Roberts, music director of Chicago powerhouse radio station WLS, placed "Please Please Me" into radio rotation in late February 1963 making it the first time a Beatles record was heard on American radio. Vee-Jay's rights to The Beatles were later cancelled for non-payment of royalties.[47]
In August 1963, Philadelphia-based Swan Records released "She Loves You", which also failed to receive airplay. A testing of the song on Dick Clark's TV show American Bandstand produced laughter from American teenagers when they saw the group's distinctive hairstyles. New York disc jockey Murray the K featured "She Loves You" on his '1010 WINS record revue' show in January.[48] In early November 1963, Brian Epstein persuaded Ed Sullivan to present The Beatles on three editions of his show in February, and parlayed this guaranteed exposure into a record deal with Capitol Records. Capitol committed to a mid-January release for "I Want to Hold Your Hand",[49] On 7 December 1963 a clip of The Beatles was shown on the CBS Evening News (the story originally had been scheduled to air on 22 November and was aired on the CBS Morning News but was pre-empted by the assassination of John F. Kennedy). The clip inspired a teenage girl in Washington, D.C. to request a Beatles song on a local radio station. The station secured an imported copy of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" — forcing Capitol Records to release the song ahead of schedule on 26 December.
Several New York radio stations — first WMCA, then WINS (AM) and WABC — began playing "I Want to Hold Your Hand" on its release day. The Beatlemania that had started in Washington was duplicated in New York and quickly spread to other markets. The record sold one million copies in just ten days, and by 16 January, Cashbox magazine had certified the record number one (in the edition marked 23 January). On 3 January 1964 a film of The Beatles performing "She Loves You" was aired on the late-night Jack Paar Show.
Beatlemania crosses the Atlantic
On 7 February 1964, a crowd of four thousand fans at Heathrow Airport waved to The Beatles as they took off for their first trip to America as a group.[51] They were accompanied by photographers, journalists (including Maureen Cleave) and Phil Spector, who had booked himself on the same flight.[52] The pilot had radioed ahead, and as they prepared to land said, "Tell the boys there's a big crowd waiting for them." Kennedy International Airport had never experienced such a crowd, estimated at about 3,000 screaming fans.[53] After a press conference (where they first met Murray the K) they were put into limousines and driven to New York. On the way McCartney turned on a radio and listened to a running commentary: "They [The Beatles] have just left the airport and are coming to New York City..."[54] After reaching the Plaza Hotel, they were besieged by fans and reporters. Harrison had a temperature of 102 the next day and was ordered to stay in bed, so Neil Aspinall replaced him for the first television rehearsal.[55]
Their first live American television appearance was on the The Ed Sullivan Show on 9 February 1964. The next morning practically every newspaper wrote that The Beatles were nothing more than a "fad", and "could not carry a tune across the Atlantic".[56] Their first American concert appearance was at Washington Coliseum in Washington, D.C. on 11 February.[57]
After The Beatles' huge success in 1964, Vee-Jay Records and Swan Records took advantage of their previously secured rights to The Beatles' early recordings and reissued the songs, all of which reached the top ten the second time around. (MGM and Atco also secured rights to The Beatles' early Tony Sheridan-era recordings and had minor hits with "My Bonnie" and "Ain't She Sweet", the latter featuring John Lennon on lead vocal.) In addition to Introducing... The Beatles, which was essentially The Beatles' debut British album with some minor alterations, Vee-Jay also issued an unusual LP called The Beatles Vs The Four Seasons. This 2-LP set paired Introducing... The Beatles and The Golden Hits Of The Four Seasons, another successful act that Vee-Jay had under contract, in a 'contest' (the back cover featured a 'score card'). Another unusual release was the Hear The Beatles Tell All album, which consisted of two lengthy interviews with Los Angeles radio disc jockeys (side one was titled "Dave Hull interviews John Lennon," while side two was titled "Jim Steck interviews John, Paul, George, Ringo"). No Beatles music was included on this interview album, which turned out to be the only Vee Jay Beatles album Capitol Records could not reclaim.
The Vee-Jay/Swan-issued recordings eventually ended up with Capitol, who issued most of the Vee-Jay material on the American-only Capitol release The Early Beatles, with three songs left off this final US version of the album. ("I Saw Her Standing There" was issued as the American B-side of "I Want to Hold Your Hand," and also appeared on the Capitol Records album Meet The Beatles. "Misery" and "There's a Place" were issued as a Capitol "Starline" reissue single in 1964, and reappeared on the 1980 Rarities compilation album.) The early Vee-Jay and Swan Beatles records command a high price on the record collectors' market, and all have been copiously bootlegged.[58] The Swan tracks ("She Loves You" and "I'll Get You") were issued on the Capitol LP The Beatles' Second Album. (Swan also issued the German-language version of "She Loves You," called "Sie Liebt Dich." This song later appeared (in stereo) on Capitol's US version of the Rarities compilation album.)
In mid-1964 the band undertook their first appearances outside of Europe and North America. They toured Australia and New Zealand without Ringo Starr, who was ill and temporarily replaced by session drummer Jimmy Nicol. In Adelaide they were greeted by over 300,000 people who turned out at Adelaide Town Hall.[59]
In June 1965, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II appointed the four Beatles Members of the Order of the British Empire, MBE. The band members were nominated by Prime Minister Harold Wilson (who also was the M.P. for Huyton, Liverpool).[60] The appointment — at that time primarily bestowed upon military veterans and civic leaders — sparked some conservative MBE recipients to return their insignia in protest.[61] The first two were returned on 14 June, before The Beatles received theirs on 26 October 1965.[62] On 15 August that year, The Beatles performed the first stadium concert in the history of rock, playing at Shea Stadium in New York to a crowd of 55,600.[63] Their sixth album, Rubber Soul, was released in early December 1965. It was hailed as a major leap forward in the maturity and complexity of the band's music.[64]
Backlash and controversy
In July 1966, when The Beatles toured the Philippines, they unintentionally snubbed the nation's first lady, Imelda Marcos, who had expected the group to attend a breakfast reception at the Presidential Palace.[65] When presented with the invitation, Brian Epstein politely declined on behalf of the group, as it had never been the group's policy to accept such "official" invitations.[66] The group soon found that the Marcos regime was unaccustomed to accepting "no" for an answer. After the 'snub' was broadcast on Philippine television and radio, all of The Beatles' police protection disappeared. The group and their entourage had to make their way to Manila airport on their own. At the airport, roadie Mal Evans was beaten and kicked, and the band members were pushed and jostled about by a hostile crowd.[67] Once the group boarded the plane, Epstein and Evans were ordered off, and Evans said, "Tell my wife that I love her."[68] Epstein was forced to give back all the money that the band had earned while they were there before being allowed back on the plane.[69]
Almost as soon as they returned from the Philippines, an earlier comment by Lennon made in March that year launched a backlash against The Beatles from religious and social conservatives in the United States. In an interview with British reporter Maureen Cleave,[70] Lennon had offered his opinion that Christianity was dying and that The Beatles were "more popular than Jesus now."[71] Afterwards, a radio station in Birmingham, Alabama, ran a story on burning Beatles records, in what was considered to be a joke. However, many people affiliated with rural churches in the American South started taking the suggestion seriously. Towns across the United States and South Africa started to burn Beatles records in protest. Attempting to make light of the incident, McCartney said, "They've got to buy them before they can burn them." Under tremendous pressure from the American media, Lennon apologised for his remarks at a press conference in Chicago on August 11, the eve of the first performance of what turned out to be their final tour.[72]
The group's two-year series of Capitol compilations also took a strange twist in the United States when one of their publicity shots, used for a Yesterday and Today album and a poster promoting the UK release of "Paperback Writer", created an uproar, as it featured the band draped in meat and plastic dolls. Thousands of these copies had to be withdrawn. Years later, the cover shot was linked with the group's interest in German expressionism.[72]
Elvis Presley disapproved of The Beatles's anti-war activism and open use of drugs, later asking President Nixon to ban all four members of the group from entering the United States. Peter Guralnick writes, "The Beatles, Elvis said, [...] had been a focal point for anti-Americanism. They had come to this country, made their money, then gone back to England where they fomented anti-American feeling."[73] Guralnick adds, "Presley indicated that he is of the opinion that The Beatles laid the groundwork for many of the problems we are having with young people by their filthy unkempt appearances and suggestive music while entertaining in this country during the early and middle 1960s."[74] Despite Elvis' remarks, Lennon still had some positive feeling towards him: "Before Elvis, there was nothing."[75]
The studio years
The Beatles at their last concert, Candlestick Park.In April 1966, the group began recording what would be their most ambitious album to date, Revolver. During the recording sessions for the album, tape looping and early sampling were introduced in a complex mix of ballad, R&B, soul and world music.
The Beatles performed their last concert before paying fans at Candlestick Park in San Francisco on 29 August 1966.[72] McCartney asked Tony Barrow to tape the event, but the 30-minute tape he used ran out halfway through the last song. The concert lasted a little under 35 minutes.[76]
From then on, The Beatles concentrated on recording. Less than seven months after recording Revolver, The Beatles returned to Abbey Road Studios on 24 November 1966 to begin the 129-day recording sessions for their eighth album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, released on 1 June 1967.
On 25 June 1967, The Beatles became the first band globally transmitted on television—before an estimated 400 million people worldwide. The band appeared in a segment within the first-ever worldwide TV satellite hook-up, a show titled Our World. The Beatles were transmitted live from Abbey Road Studios, and their new song "All You Need Is Love" was recorded live during the show.
The band's business affairs began to unravel after manager Brian Epstein died of an accidental prescription drug overdose on 27 August 1967 at the age of 32. At the end of 1967, they received their first major negative press in the UK with disparaging reviews of their surrealistic TV film Magical Mystery Tour.[77] Part of the criticism arose because colour was an integral part of the film, but in 1967 few viewers in the UK had colour televisions. The film's soundtrack, which features one of The Beatles' few instrumental tracks ("Flying"), was released in the United Kingdom as a double EP, and in the United States as a full LP (the LP is now the official version).
The group spent the early part of 1968 in Rishikesh, Uttar Pradesh, India, studying transcendental meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.[78] Upon their return, Lennon and McCartney went to New York to announce the formation of Apple Corps. The middle of 1968 saw the band busy recording the double album The Beatles, popularly known as The White Album because of its plain white cover. These sessions saw deep divisions opening within the band, with Starr temporarily walking out. The band carried on, with McCartney recording the drums on the songs "Martha My Dear", "Wild Honey Pie", "Dear Prudence" and "Back in the USSR". Among the other causes of dissension were that Lennon's new girlfriend, Yoko Ono, was at his side through almost all of the sessions, and that the others felt that McCartney was becoming too dominating.[79] Internal divisions within the band had been a small but growing problem during their early years; most notably, this was reflected in the difficulty that George Harrison experienced in getting his own songs onto Beatles albums.
On the business side, McCartney wanted Lee Eastman, the father of his then-girlfriend Linda Eastman, to manage The Beatles, but the other members wanted New York manager Allen Klein. All past Beatles' decisions had been unanimous, but this time the four could not agree. Lennon, Harrison and Starr felt the Eastmans would put McCartney's interests before those of the group. In 1971 it was discovered that Klein, who had been appointed manager, had stolen £5 million from The Beatles' holdings. Years later, during the Anthology interviews, McCartney said of this time, "Looking back, I can understand why they would feel that he [Lee Eastman] was biased against them."
Their final live performance was on the rooftop of the Apple building in Savile Row, London, on 30 January 1969, the next-to-last day of the difficult Get Back sessions. Most of the performance was filmed and later included in the film Let It Be. While the band was playing, the local police were called because of complaints about the noise. Although the group was simply asked to end their performance, the band members later remarked in the Anthology video that they were disappointed they were not arrested — pointing out that the police hauling the band members off in handcuffs would have been "an appropriate ending" for the film.
The Beatles recorded their final album, Abbey Road, in the summer of 1969. The completion of the song "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" for the album on 20 August was the last time all four Beatles were together in the same studio.
Their final new song was Harrison's "I Me Mine", recorded 3 January 1970 and released on the Let It Be album. It was recorded without Lennon, who was in Denmark when the song was recorded.[80]
John Lennon announced his departure to the rest of the group on 20 September 1969 but agreed that no announcement was to be publicly made until a number of legal matters were resolved.
In March 1970 the Get Back session tapes were given to American producer Phil Spector, who had produced Lennon's solo single "Instant Karma!". Spector's "Wall of Sound" production values went against the original intent of the record, which had been to record a stripped-down live performance. McCartney was deeply dissatisfied with Spector's treatment of "The Long and Winding Road", and unsuccessfully attempted to halt release of Spector's version of the song. McCartney publicly announced the break-up on 10 April 1970, a week before releasing his first solo album, McCartney. Pre-release copies included a press release with a self-written interview explaining the end of The Beatles and his hopes for the future.[81] On 8 May 1970, the Spector-produced version of Get Back was released as Let It Be, followed by the documentary film of the same name. The Beatles' partnership was finally dissolved in 1975.[82]
1970--present: After The Beatles
Ringo Starr, 1968 Shortly before and after the official dissolution of the group, all four Beatles released solo albums, including Lennon's John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band, McCartney's McCartney, Starr's Sentimental Journey, and Harrison's All Things Must Pass. Some of their albums featured contributions by other former Beatles; Starr's Ringo (1973) was the only one to include compositions and performances by all four, albeit on separate songs.
Other than an unreleased jam session in 1974 (later bootlegged as A Toot and a Snore in '74), Lennon and McCartney never recorded together again.
In the wake of the expiration in 1975 of The Beatles' contract with EMI-Capitol, the American Capitol label, rushing to cash in on its vast Beatles holdings and freed from the group's creative control, released five LPs: Rock 'n' Roll Music (a compilation of their more uptempo numbers), The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl (containing portions of two unreleased shows at the Hollywood Bowl), Love Songs (a compilation of their slower numbers), Rarities (a compilation of tracks that either had never been released in the U.S. or had gone out of print), and Reel Music (a compilation of songs from their films). There was also a non-Capitol-EMI release of a show from the group's early days at the Star Club in Hamburg captured on a poor-quality tape. Of all these post-breakup LPs, only the Hollywood Bowl LP had the approval of the group members. Upon the American release of the original British CDs in 1986, these post-breakup Capitol American compilation LPs were deleted from the Capitol catalogue.
John Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman on 8 December 1980 in New York City. Shortly afterward, in 1981, the three surviving Beatles reunited to record "All Those Years Ago", released as a George Harrison solo single. Its original lyrics had been rewritten as a tribute to Lennon.
The BBC has a large collection of Beatles recordings, mostly comprising original studio sessions from 1963 to 1968. Much of this material formed the basis for a 1988 radio documentary series The Beeb's Lost Beatles Tapes. In 1989, many outtakes from The Beatles sessions appeared on the radio series The Lost Lennon Tapes. Later, in 1994, the best of the BBC sessions were given an official EMI release on Live at the BBC.
In 1988 The Beatles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a group (not as individual performers) during their first year of eligibility.[83] On the night of their induction, Harrison and Starr appeared to accept their award along with Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and his two sons. McCartney stayed away, issuing a press release citing "unresolved difficulties" with Harrison, Starr, and Lennon's estate. Solo Beatles later inducted were Lennon in 1994, McCartney in 1999 and Harrison in 2004.
Collage of the various covers of the Anthology seriesIn February 1994, the three surviving Beatles reunited to produce and record additional music for a few of Lennon's home recordings. "Free as a Bird" premiered as part of The Beatles Anthology series of television documentaries and was released as a single in December 1995, with "Real Love" following in March 1996. These songs were also included in the three Anthology collections of CDs released in 1995 and 1996, each of which consisted of two CDs of never-before-released Beatles material. Klaus Voormann, who had known The Beatles since their Hamburg days and had previously illustrated the Revolver album cover, directed the Anthology cover concept. 450,000 copies of Anthology 1 were sold on its first day of release. In 2000, a compilation album named 1 was released, containing almost every number-one single released by the band from 1962 to 1970. The collection sold 3.6 million copies in its first week (selling 3 copies a second) and more than 12 million in three weeks worldwide. The collection also reached number one in the United States and 33 other countries and had sold 25 million copies by 2005 (about the ninth best selling album of all time).
George Harrison during this time showed his socio-political consciousness and earned respect for his contribution for arranging the Concert For Bangladesh in New York in August 1971 along with sitar maestro Ravi Shankar. Harrison died of lung cancer on 29 November 2001.
More recently, in 2006, George Martin and his son Giles Martin remixed original Beatles recordings to create a soundtrack to accompany Cirque du Soleil's theatrical production Love.
Musical evolution
The Beatles' constant demands to create new sounds on every new recording, combined with George Martin's arranging abilities and the studio expertise of EMI staff engineers such as Norman Smith, Ken Townshend and Geoff Emerick, all played significant parts in the innovative sounds of the albums Rubber Soul (1965), Revolver (1966) and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967).
The Beatles continued to absorb influences long after their initial success, often finding new musical and lyrical avenues by listening to their contemporaries. Among those influences were Bob Dylan, who influenced songs such as "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" and "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)".[84] Other contemporary influences included the Byrds and the Beach Boys, whose album Pet Sounds was a favourite of McCartney's.[85]
Along with studio tricks such as sound effects, unconventional microphone placements, tape loops, double tracking and vari-speed recording, The Beatles began to augment their recordings with instruments that were unconventional for rock music at the time. These included string and brass ensembles as well as Indian instruments such as the sitar as in Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) and the swarmandel as in Strawberry Fields Forever. They also used early electronic instruments such as the Mellotron, with which McCartney supplied the flute voices on the intro to "Strawberry Fields Forever", and the ondioline, an electronic keyboard that created the unusual oboe-like sound on "Baby You're a Rich Man".
Beginning with the use of a string quartet (arranged by George Martin with input from McCartney) on "Yesterday" in 1965, The Beatles pioneered a modern form of art song, exemplified by the double-quartet string arrangement on "Eleanor Rigby" (1966), "Here, There and Everywhere" (1966) and "She's Leaving Home" (1967). A televised performance of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 directly inspired McCartney's use of a piccolo trumpet on the arrangement of "Penny Lane". The Beatles moved towards psychedelia with "Rain" and "Tomorrow Never Knows" from 1966, and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "I Am the Walrus" from 1967.
Influence on popular culture
The Beatles' lifestyles were greatly altered by their success and the income they earned. The availability of the first oral contraceptive and illegal drugs changed many people's opinions — including The Beatles' — about life, marriage, and sexual relationships.[86]
Recreational drug use
In Hamburg, The Beatles used "prellies" (Preludin) both recreationally and to maintain their energy through all-night performances.[87] McCartney would usually take one, but Lennon would often take four or five.[87] Bob Dylan introduced them to cannabis during a 1964 visit to New York.[88] McCartney remembered them all getting "very high" and giggling.[89] The Beatles occasionally smoked a spliff in the car on the way to the studio during the filming of Help!, which often made them forget their lines.[90]
In April 1965, Lennon and Harrison were introduced to LSD by an acquaintance, dentist John Riley.[91] Lennon in particular became an avid "tripper", claiming in a 1970 interview in Rolling Stone to have taken LSD hundreds of times. McCartney was more reluctant to try the drug, but finally did so in 1966 and was the first Beatle to talk about it in the press.
The Beatles added their names to an advertisement in The Times, on 24 July 1967, which asked for the legalisation of cannabis, the release of all prisoners imprisoned because of possession, and research into marijuana's medical uses. The advertisement was sponsored by a group called Soma, and was signed by 65 people, including Brian Epstein, Graham Greene, R.D. Laing, 15 doctors, and two MPs.[92] On a sailing trip to Greece, in 1967, the whole band sat around on the boat and took acid.[93]
On 24 August 1967, The Beatles met the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the London Hilton, and a few days later went to Bangor, in North Wales, to attend a weekend 'initiation' conference.[94] There, the Maharishi gave each of them a mantra.[95] Their time in early 1968 at the Maharishi's ashram in India was highly productive from a musical standpoint, as practically all of the songs that would later be recorded for The White Album and Abbey Road were composed there by Lennon, McCartney, and Harrison.[78]
Further information: List of Beatles songs by singer, The Beatles record sales, worldwide charts, The Beatles bootlegs, and List of Beatles hit singles
Official CD catalogue
In 1987, EMI released all 12 of The Beatles' studio albums — as originally released in the UK — on CD worldwide. (North American releases were on EMI's American subsidiary Capitol Records). It was a considered decision by Apple Corps to standardise The Beatles catalogue throughout the world. Because there were tracks that had been released in the UK on singles and EPs that had not been released on the original UK albums, in order for all their recordings to be available on CD it was necessary to create three further CDs that would contain the missing tracks.
One CD was of a 1967 US compilation album that featured the 6-track 1967 UK EP Magical Mystery Tour and the various singles released in that year. The other two CDs were new compilations that gathered together all the other singles, EP tracks and recordings from 1962--1970 that had not been issued on the original British studio albums.
Magical Mystery Tour - 8 August 1987[96]
Past Masters, Volume One - 7 March 1988
Past Masters, Volume Two - 7 March 1988
According to EMI and the Guinness Book of Records, The Beatles have sold in excess of one billion units (1,010,000,000, including cassettes, records, CDs and bootlegs).
Beginning in 2004, the US album configurations were released as a series of box sets from Capitol Records (The Capitol Albums, Volume 1 & Volume 2); these included both stereo and mono versions based on the mixes that were prepared for vinyl at the time of their original 1960s releases.
Song catalogue
In 1963 Lennon and McCartney agreed to assign their song publishing rights to Northern Songs, a company created by music publisher Dick James. The company was administered by James' own company Dick James Music. Northern Songs went public in 1965, with Lennon and McCartney each holding 15% of the company's shares whilst Dick James and the company's chairman, Charles Silver, held a controlling 37.5%. In 1969, following a failed attempt by Lennon and McCartney to buy the company, James and Silver sold Northern Songs to British TV company Associated TeleVision (ATV), from which Lennon and McCartney received stock.
In 1985, after a short period in which the parent company was owned by Australian business magnate Robert Holmes à Court, ATV Music was sold to Michael Jackson for a reported $47 million (trumping a joint bid by McCartney and Yoko Ono), including the publishing rights to over 200 songs composed by Lennon and McCartney.
A decade later Jackson and Sony merged its music publishing businesses. Since 1995, Jackson and Sony/ATV Music Publishing have jointly owned most of the Lennon-McCartney songs recorded by The Beatles. Sony later reported that Jackson had used his share of their co-owned Beatles' catalogue as collateral for a loan from the music company. Meanwhile, Lennon's estate and McCartney still receive their respective songwriter shares of the royalties. (Despite his ownership of most of the Lennon-McCartney publishing, Jackson has only recorded one Lennon-McCartney composition himself, "Come Together" which was featured in his film Moonwalker.)
Although the Jackson-Sony catalogue includes most of The Beatles' greatest hits, four of their earliest songs had been published by one of EMI's publishing companies prior to Lennon and McCartney signing with Dick James — and McCartney later succeeded in personally acquiring the publishing rights to "Love Me Do", "Please Please Me", "P.S. I Love You" and "Ask Me Why" from EMI.
Harrison and Starr did not renew their songwriting contracts with Northern Songs in 1968, signing with Apple Publishing instead. Harrison later created Harrisongs, his own company which still owns the rights to his post-1967 songs such as "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and "Something". Starr also created his own company, called Startling Music. It holds the rights to his two post-1967 songs recorded by The Beatles, "Don't Pass Me By" and "Octopus's Garden".
The future of The Beatles catalogue
The Beatles are but a few of the major artists (aside from Led Zeppelin and Garth Brooks) who have not to date allowed their entire recorded catalogue to be available through major online music services (iTunes, Napster, etc.). This may be due to the massive royalty fees demanded by the group. As a result, The Beatles' music (both officially and unofficially released) has been made available through illegal music search engines such as eMule and BearShare, and have apparently raised the ire of the entire music industry.
However, sure signs that official online distributions may be coming is the fact that the video for Tomorrow Never Knows/Within You Without You (the remix from their album Love) is currently being distributed (as of June, 2007) via Napster, and many Internet radio networks (such as Pandora Internet Radio and are allowing Beatles songs to be broadcasted over the world wide web. There has been talk of negotiations to make such an official online distribution schedule possible. Officials at Apple Corps have hinted at this, as they have confirmed that the entire Beatles catalog has been digitally remastered for online distribution.
On film
Main article: The Beatles on film
The Beatles appeared in several films, all of which featured associated soundtrack albums.
The band played themselves in two films directed by Richard Lester, A Hard Day's Night (1964) and Help! (1965). The group produced and starred in the hour-long television movie Magical Mystery Tour (1967), while the documentary Let It Be (released 1970) followed the recording sessions for the Get Back project in early 1969. In addition, the psychedelic animated film Yellow Submarine (1968) followed the adventures of a cartoon version of the band; the members did not provide their own voices, appearing only in a brief live-action epilogue.
Other projects
Main article: The Beatles Anthology
Main article: Love (Cirque du Soleil)
Rickenbacker, Gretsch, Epiphone, Gibson, Fender, and C.F. Martin & Company guitars
Höfner, Fender and Rickenbacker basses
Vox, Fender, and Selmer amplifiers
Premier and Ludwig drums
Zildjian cymbals
Steinway, and Blüthner pianos
Hammond, Vox and Lowrey electric organs
Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer, and Hohner Pianet electric pianos
Moog Modular synthesiser
Mellotron Polyphonic Keyboard
Neumann, AKG, and STC microphones
Bill Stoll
Stollco video
tampa fl (more) (less)
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Views: 24,772
Added: 1 week ago
Time: 06:29 More in Music
Masonic Temples
The 21 Quest Registration===>
the firing process, and the larger the mold, the harder it is to produce pieces close to specification, and the more prominent the joining. With the Nearly cubic, and roughly 100 feet on a side, the temple is marble, rough-textured brick and glazed terra cotta. The horizontals of the base and upper section contain the verticality of the middle section, a screen of pilasters and engaged columns. Architectural critics gave the temple rave reviews — but it does not, at first glance, look that spectacular.
So what is so great about this building?
Hewlett and his partners rethought several accepted practices, like the glazed terra cotta columns. To reduce the number of joints, architects tend to make columns out of the largest pieces possible. But terra cotta shrinks during the firing process, and the larger the mold, the harder it is to produce pieces close to specification, and the more prominent the joining.
With the Brooklyn Masonic Temple, the architects went in the counterintuitive direction, firing not three or four large sections per column, but about 50 much smaller elements. The resulting joints are so numerous they become part of the design, rather than merely interruptions.
The architects also used color with sophistication. The nearly monochrome shade of the marble base gradually evolves to a festive splash of sienna, green, yellow, cream and blue at the cornice and frieze. The cream-colored column drums were fired with a slight amber tone in the fluting, emphasizing the natural shading in the recessed grooves, and adding a color accent.
The designers also reconsidered normal bricklaying practices. Instead of the usual course-on-course brickwork for the wall surfaces, they produced oversized brick units by stacking the bricks in pairs, with dark mortar between the paired units. The design gives a massiveness that a traditional one could not.
Although the glazed terra cotta was considered nearly self-cleaning, today the Brooklyn Masonic Temple has lost much of its punch. Although the Masons have kept the brick, terra cotta and even roof cresting intact, soil has collected all over the terra cotta, substantially dimming its original brilliance.
Some buildings do not benefit from cleaning, and this might be one of those. But in the temple's present condition, the original design can only be imagined.
Some of the "Old Timers" of Wadsworth Lodge #25 were rather shocked to learn that there were many "new" members who had no idea of the reasons why the first Masonic Lodge chartered in the City of Sparks was named "Wadsworth". This was a condition they felt to be totally untenable, so, under the leadership of Past Master Tom Swart, an historic pilgrimage was made to the town of Wadsworth, Nevada, on Saturday, June 22, 1985.
The purpose, of course, was to relocate the actual site of the Fraternal Hall, and to recreate the first years of the Lodge.
Wadsworth today is a sleepy little village located 29 miles East of Sparks, on the edge of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Indian Reservation, near the "Big Bend" of the Truckee River. Where once all east-west traffic, both rail and road, funneled through Wadsworth, the town is now bypassed by Interstate 80, as well as by the Southern Pacific railway (then Central Pacific), which was originally the reason for its existence.
The town was born in 1867, as a division point of the Central Pacific. At the height of its glory, Wadsworth boasted a 21 stall roundhouse, an impressive and commodious two-story depot that accommodated the division operating offices, the Nevada House Hotel, noted for its affluence and plush appointments, complete with sprinklers and fountains, and passenger trains lined up end to end at the depot.
The Astor Bloodline.
The original founder of the Astor fortune was John Jacob Astor (1763-1884). John Jacob Astor was born in Walldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany) from a Jewish bloodline. The Jewish origins have been hidden, and quite a number of various ideas of the Astor's heritage have been put into circulation by the Astors. John Jacob Astor was a butcher in Walldorf. In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless--and that may be true--he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City. (This Holland Lodge is a prominent lodge in that many of its members have good connections to the Illuminati elite. An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 - 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).
By 1788, Astor was a master of masonic lodge#8. This is rather interesting considering Astor could not speak Englishwhen he arrived in America, and supposedly was very poor. John Jacob Astor was always very famous for being coldhearted, anti-social, "a man who didn't have charm, wit or grace." (This quote comes even from a relative of the DuPont family who wrote a sympathetic Biography entitled The Astor Family.) If this man lacked social graces and was so cold, and was so poor during his first years in the U.S., why did he rise to such prominence in Freemasonry? Certainly not because of his social graces. For instance, one time later in life at a meal given for elites, when his hands got dirty at the table he reached over and used the shirt of the man beside him to wipe his hands. The original financial break came by carrying out a series of shady and crooked real estate deals in the N.Y. city area.
The next breakcame when two men who are now known to have been in the Illuminati gave John Jacob Astor a special government privilege. The two men were Pres. Jefferson and Secretary Gallatin--both Illuminati members. The United States government had placed an embargo on all U.S. ships from sailing with goods in 1807. But Astor got special permission from these two men for his ship to sail with its cargo. His ship sailed and made close to a $200,000 profit in that day's money. Astor strangely profited greatly from the War of 1812, which crippled almost all the other American shippers. Astor also worked together with George Clinton, another member of the Illuminati, on land deals. Even at that period in history, British intelligence worked for the Committee of 300 and for the Thirteen Top Families, it is interesting then, that John Coleman who had access as an intelligence agent to secret documents, discovered that the original John Jacob Astor was also a British secret agent. The Thirteen Families have very intimate roles with the American and British intelligence cults.
Prior to 1817, John Jacob Astorentered into the fur trade and remained the biggest player in the fur tradeuntil he got out of it in 1834. Over the years, he had managed to build up a monopoly. How he managed to push everyone else out is a good question.
Bear in mind, white people had been trapping furs in the New World for several centuries, and the Indians for who knows how long. Then this guy Astor comes along and in a few years totally owns the whole industry! Again this could only have happened, because the occult power of this Astor family gave them the right. Obviously, others in the Committee of 300 had to step aside, if his position in the hierarchy had not given Astor the right, believe me the other families that originally controlled the fur trade would have gotten rid of Astor. One result of his fur company, was that Astoria, OR was created. Today, perhaps in honor of the family that originally took interest in it, Astoria is a real hot-bed for the secret Satanic covens in Oregon. John Jacob Astor did have a few helpful connections. Three of his relatives were captains on clipper ships. He had connections in London to the Backhouse family. He married a Todd, a family frequently associated with Satanism. His wife, a Todd, was also connected to the influential Brevoort family. And finally for some reason, John Jacob Astor was also on good relations with the politicians of the day, perhaps because most of them were Freemasons too.
For a few years John Jacob Astor had participated in the opium trade, but in 1818-he publicly quit running opium to China. John Coleman in his good book The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, p. 131 notes, "John Jacob Astor made a hugh fortune out of the China opium trade .... it was the Committee of 300 who chose who would be allowed to participate in the fabulously lucrative China opium trade, through its monopolistic BEIC, and the beneficiaries of their largess remained forever wedded to the Committee of 300." Interestingly another Top 13 family, the Russells, was also one of the lucky ones to get a slice of the China opium trade. It is clear repeatedly from history that Astor was privy to inside information in the government, and maintained his own courier system. John Jacob Astor bought up large amounts of land in NY which land greatly increased in value. The Financial Panic of 1837 allowed him to foreclose on a large number of mortgages. John Jacob Astor's wealth continued to skyrocket. As one biography said, "When it came to a question of principle versus profit, Astor was a practical man." Put simply, he had no scruples. Astor had a reputation for being a ruthless landlord. He also had the reputation of not paying his legitimate debts. Astor became a banker, and sat on the board of 5 directors of the new national bank that Hamilton created for the U.S. government called the Bank of the United States. Astor owned a large block of the stock of the Bank of the United States. Astor also was fairly active during his life as a Freemason, holding several more key positions in the secret lodge life. John Jacob was the richest man in the United States. Note this reference. Meyers, Gustavus. History of the Great American Fortunes. London: Stationers Hall, 1909, p. 147 said, "Statistics issued in 1844 of manufacturers in the United States showed a total gross amount of $307,196,844 invested. Astor's wealth, then, was one-fifteenth of the whole amount invested throughout the territory of the United States..." Is having 1/15th of all of what American money is invested not rich? John Jacob Astor's descendents had a penchant for secrecy, and set up things to rule from behind the scenes. In contrast, to some of the other top families, the Astors perferred not to sit on boards of corporations they controlled. In 1890, a real estate expert calculated the Astors owned 1/20 of New York City real estate. After making their fortune while residing in the New York area, the Astors by and large have all gone to England. They still wield great financial power in the United States through proxies. Forum Magazine, Nov. 1889, commented that authorities estimated the Astors were worth $300,000, but that that figure had to be an underestimate. Today, my estimate of the Astors is that they are worth about 40 billion dollars. One of the many foundations that the Astors created was the Vincent Astor Foundation, which is controlled from England by the Astors and has in the range of $100 million tax exempt dollars. The Vincent Astor Foundation has typically given to Catholic and Episcoplian needs, among other things. They also give money to agencies opposed to private ownership of guns. They give money to NY's public library. Imagine how much influence that gives them, when the library is receiving regular help for general support? A 1971 Foundation Directory stated that the V. Astor foundation had its present emphasis on preventing juvenile delinquency. Why don't I trust the Astor's in helping out with law enforcement? The William Waldorf Foundation states that its purpose is 'Promotion of mutual understanding and the diffusion of knowledge and culture among the United States and the dominions, colonies, and countries of the British Commonwealth.' This sounds very similar to the public statement of purpose that the secretive Pilgrim Soc. has given out to those who need something about them. Assets for this foundation are a mere $64,000. Vincent Astor (now deceased) was a member of 41 private clubs, To give an idea of how much power just one of the many Astor men wield some of the businesses Vincent was involved include:
director- American Express Company dir. Atlantic Fruit and Sugar Co.
dir. Chase Manhattan Bank (of the Rockefellers)
dir. City and Suburban Homes Co.
dir. Classical Cinematograph Corporation
dir. Cuban-Dominican Sugar Co. dir. Great Northern Railroad
dir. Ill. Central Railroad
dir, Inter. Mercantile Marine Co. dir. National Park Bank of NY
dir. NY County Trust Co.
dir. Weekly Publications Inc. dir. Western Union Telegraph trustee NY
Zoological Soc.advisor to Bankers Trust of NYmember Amer. Museum of Nat.
Hist. member Nat. Instit. of Soc. Sciences(notice these last two like so many elite controlled organizations are heavily involved in the spread of the evolution theory.)
Just like the Rothschilds, DuPonts, and Rockefellers, the Astors always set one of their Astor males as the head of the entire family. This headship is passed down as a birthright within the different branches of the family, just as any King passes on his throne. On the corner of 33rd St. and 5th Ave. (the site later began the site of the Empire State Building) the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was built by William Waldorf, et. al. The hotel opened in Mar. 1893. It is described as 'the ultimate in snob appeal.' Later two Astor cousins built the Astoria (another even taller elite Hotel) in New York which opened in 1897. Of course, like many of the other elite famIlies, the Astors have theIr Maine property to get away and relax. In 1894, John Jacob wrote a novel A Journey in Other Worlds where he describes a society which operates on the idea of conserving energy. Strange how the elite likes to promote conservation among us 'cattle.' In the late 1800's, the Illuminati began to reconfigure its outward face. The higher levels started creating innocent sounding cover organizations to hide their meetings behind. In 1901, the Astors contributed toward the creation of the Pilgrim Society, which was the cover organization for Amer. & Brit. 6° Princes of the Illuminati. I believe at least five Astors are now members of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, and William Waldorf Astor 3rd. And during the 1970s, Baron Astor of Hever was the President of the London branch of the Pilgrims. This implies that Astor of Hever was at least the next level up in the chain of command.
The Astors also have been veryprominent in the Group' which is Britian's equivalent to the Skull & BonesSoc. In Britain, the Astor, along with about 20 other families dominate the Group, just as certain families like the Whitneys in the U.S. help dominate the Order of Skull & Bones. Again, as was earlier pointed out, the key to understanding Satanism is the bloodlines. In 1910, the muscle and bone branches of the Illuminati reconfigured themselves with the creation of the Round Table groups in 1910. The Astors were the part of the financial backers behind the Round Table groups along with Abe Bailey. Rhodes and Milner were key players is setting up The Society of the Elect, a supersecret top circle of Illuminati. Rhodes Trust in part helped by the Astor, helps finance the Rhodes Scholarship system. Rhodes a high ranking Freemason wanted the Masonic clap-trap as part of these various new groups, but Milner and Brett did away with the Masonic rituals and costumes, etc. but Milner and Brett did away with the Masonic rituals and costumes, etc.
In 1919, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) was created. And the Astors were the major financial backers of the RIIA which functions as the 4° cover of the Illuminati. For those who are new to this, the RIIA is the British equivalent to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which takes a major role in the policy making process in the U.S. Waldorf Astoria was appointed to the RIIA. Just above the CFR/RIIA are round table groups which were initially named by Cecil Rhodes as the "Association of Helpers". Cecil Rhodes set up the Rhodes Scholarships to recruit and bring top men from several nations to Oxford to be initiated into the Illuminati and to learn about how to bring in a One-World-Government, So the initial selection into the Rhodes program--ist degree of the Illum.- is equivalent to the initiation into the Skull & Bones. In the picture you see how the Cliveden Astors were intimately connected to the Rhodes Scholars. Rhodes Scholars frequently went to the Cliveden Estate. By looking at the genealogy chart you can see how the family in London broke up into two powerful segments. One part centered around the Cleveden Estate. Another group became Barons-the Astors of Hever - or the Hever Astors for short. William Waldorf Astor owned the Pall Pall Mall Gazette, the Observer, and the Pall Mall Magazine. The London Times was largely controlled by the Astors, and since 1922 they have owned this major source of British news. The DuPonts and the Rockefellers also have some major businesses where they too own blatant large holdings. However, most of the wealth of the 13 Top families is hidden so that the ties to who owns it are difficult to track. Hoyt Ammidon has been a proxy for Vincent Astor and the other Astors. (See membership list of Illuminati in this newsletter). The Astor family also used Owen Lattimore as their proxy for opium trade, who in turn used Laura Spelman who was funded by the Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR).
The lPR was the group that supervised the Illuminati's decision to allow Red China to share in the Opium trade. The puppet strings behind big world events may not be seen by the public, but if we trace the origins of several big events we see the Astors helping pull strings. The IPR helped lay the groundwork for the Pearl Harbor attack. The Astors also were behind the appeasement policy in Europe which allowed Hitler to become a threat. The Astors were also involved in the temperence movement against alcoholic drink which was begun by the Women's Christian Temperence Union. The temperence movement was an elite created movement just like today we have big issues like Aparteid which are made up by them to keep us busy. Joseph Kennedy and Onassis, two other top 13 Illuminati families got rich off of the temperence movement by bootlegging. So many people have exposed the temperence movement (See Occult Theocracy for just one expose of Freemasonry's involvement) that it is not pertinent to cover it here.
Today's equivalent of the temperence movement is the drug war. Col. Jack Astor, one of the world's most powerful men, was among those who went down with the Titanic. To his honor, he didn't have to sacrifice his life, but did. If he had been a scoundrel he could have chased a woman and her children from some lifeboat. Many sermons have been preached on the significance of the Titanic, and I personally am beginning to feel that God laid it on the hearts of so many of his ministers to understand that the Titanic was a judgment upon the pride of the world. More specifically it was a warning to the New World Order's elite. Another Illuminati invention was Communism. This has been so thoroughly documented I don't know why I have to state it here, except that there are still people who haven't taken the time to study it out. James II. Billington's book Fire In the Minds of Men - a very scholarly work, and Occult Theocracy are some good starting points to study this. The Fabian Society was also connected to the Illuminati. For instance, Illuminati prince Prof. George Edward Gordon Catlin, Pilgrim Soc. member was a member of the Fabian Society's executive committee. The Fabian logo is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing!!
Fabians like H.G. Wells who wrote so eloquently on the New World Order with such books as The New World Order, A Modern Utopia, The Open Conspiracy Blue Prints For A World Revolution was a wolf in sheep clothing. H.G. Well's made the New World Order something that sounded advantageous to everyone, a Utopia of sorts. That is not what it will be. During the 1930's, the Fabian Socialists created the Political and Economic Planning group (PEP). Mason Viscount Waldorf Astoria was a leader of PEP. A confidential program that the PEP created and implemented through the British government was later described in a book Principles of Economic Planning in 1935. The book doesn't explain why its cover has a ostentious Masonic square and compass displayed on its cover. George Berhard Shaw, who was a communist and Fabian Socialist was the best friend of Lady Nancy Astor, who became the first woman Member or Parliment. These two spend vast amounts of time together, much more than Nancy did with her husband Waldorf who she didn't care to be around. Waldorf was the Mason that was mentioned earlier who helped lead PEP. After Nancy Astor was elected (or selected by the elite) to be the first lady MP, one of the Russell ladys soon afterwards also became an MP.
Communism pretends it is the enemy of the rich capItalists, but both the rich elite and the communist leaders are committed to wipe out Christianity, to wipe out free trade with monopolies, and to set up an Illuminati One-World-Government. Do you see they have similar goals? A picture is included of Waldorf and Nancy Astor's visit to Russia during the 1930s. The Astors were not treated like enemies but like royalty. Can we see how the elite controlled press have deceived us? Do not trust our Illuminati-controlled elite to protect us from communism, they control communism. Besides socialism, Nancy Astor was a big supporter of Christian Science. Christian Science was a front for witchcraft from Its very beginning. For more information on what Christian Science is about I suggest people study Be Wise As Serpents, chapter 2.6 'The Healing Light". Nancy Astor wrote The Natural History of the Vampire and a book on the early Mason/Communist Bakunin. She used Grenfell family papers. The Grenfell family were close friends to the Cliveden Astors. David Astor, (The Honorable) attended Bilderberger meetings in 1957 and 1966. Alpha Lodge is the lodge in England that is traditionally for royalty. There are other elite lodges too, where the those of the elite, can protect themselves from rubbing shoulders with those of less social stature. These are the type of masonic lodges that the Astors Join.
In summary, an examination of the Astor family reveals their close connections with the full spectrum of Illuminati activities ranging from Freemasonry, the Illuminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, Fabian Socialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically (that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan. Ava Alice Muriel Astor was an occultist. She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very serious woman. She was a very strong willed person that was able to dominate a person in her presence unless they were also strong willed. She was into Egyptian magic and believed she was the reincarnation of an Egyptian princess and a disciple of Ikhnaton. Alice Astor may have been one of the first people to enter King Tut's tomb, where she got herself a necklace. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World as a picture of things that were to come --most people think as a expose, but it was really more as a plan or blueprint Aldous Huxley and Alice did a great deal of occult things together. Their financial power is unchecked. Myers and others have noted the Astors are above the law. The Top 13 families don't obey the law--they are the law. The Astors may have Illuminati Kings and Princes in their ranks, they may have dozens of billions of assets, yet it will all be nothing when they face their Creator at judgment.
Followup on the Astors
One of the items that I felt I should have given the readers back in the 1/1/93 issue was the Masonic background of John Jacob Astor (1763-1848). For the record here is his masonic involvement:
Master of the Holland Lodge No.8, of N.Y.C.-1788
Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of New York-1796-1801
Junior Grand Warden on two occasions-1796 & 1801
Secretary of the comamandery (then called encampments).
For a busy man, he kept himself busy In his Masonic work.
Thirteen families or bloodlines are at the top, and five of these families are the inside core of these thirteen. Prior to Be Wise As Serpents, the existence of thirteen top families was not known by very many people. The existence of the 13 families had come out in Berry Smith's book Final Notice in the 1980s, but the names were still unknown. Berry Smith of Australia wrote in his book Final Notice p. 9, "There are 13 families or groups heading up the World Government plan. These families are portrayed as the 13 layers of blocks found on the strange seal on the reverse side of the U.S. $1 bill." In a little read article, one SRA victim recently wrote that Satanism was controlled by a few families. Recently, one of the Du Ponts was on a television show because the DuPonts were trying to kidnap him because they didn't like his support for the book Dope. Inc. I was able to get a copy of the book, and was overjoyed to find such an excellent book. My sources have been telling me that the top Illuminati families were behind the drug trade. Yes, Satan's top followers are also the kingpins in destroying humanity for profit through drug trafilcing.
The following families (besides others) or individuals from these families are mentioned in Dope Inc. as involved in some aspect of the drug trade: the Astors, Bundys, DuPonts, Freemans, Kennedy's, Li's, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Russells. It is no coincidence that nine of the Top 13 families would get there names in a book which revealed the big names behind the world's illegal narcotics trade. It should be mentioned that some other prominent Illuminati families also play key roles in the drug trade such as the Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and Oppenheimers. Where have we seen such names before? There are names in Dope Inc. that people would do well to know the danger of such as Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Robert Vesco, Francois Genoud of Switzerland, Ivan Slavkov of Bulgaria, the Duke of Kent - Master of the Grand Mother Lodge of the Scottish Rite, and Jardine Matheson to mention a few. All our favorite secret fraternal groups appear in Dope, Inc. too. For instance, the Triads, P2 Masonry, regular Freemasonry, the CIA, the Order of St. John, and the Jesuits. The Universal Christian Gnostic Church's which practices black magic has a whole chapter showing its connection to the drug trade. Britain's assassination bureau Permindex which has been mentioned previously in this newsletter also gets a chapter in the book. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, I examine in detail only the Rothschilds and the Russells. I did not present much to back up my statements about the 13 families. Further, One of the unthinkable items that most people do not want to consider is that their leaders who they have idolized may be utterly corrupt. There was nothing to do but sit down and give the nitty-gritty details if the threat from the Illuminati was to be properly understood. The facts would speak for themselves. The ideal solution for both writer and reader was for me to write up my research and for you to read it as a series of articles. There is only so much a person can assimilate at once, and these articles give lots of details. In January of this year I began a series of articles on the top 13 families - families which the top experts said nobody knew about. I did this with the hope of stimulating others to notice these families, and to alert a wider sector of the Body of Christ. The young colleague David J. Smith, who wrote part of the Jan. 1 article on the Illuminati, was led to carry out further research in addition to what the Jan. 1 article had. Most of this article's information on the Astors then is a result of David's research.
Most of the material put out on the Astors shows the unmistakable mark of distortion by writers and historians giving information in line with what the Astors wanted the public to get. Books on the Astors contain both believable and unbelievable material, fact and fiction, Some of the real facts may remain obscured forever, but that has not stopped us from getting the most accurate picture we could reconstruct. The Astors do not make the task of investigating them easy. They have been very secret and very deceptive since they arrived In this nation. John Jacob Astor, the first prominent Astor was a notorious liar, "he was known on occasion to invent romantic tales for the edification of people who annoyed hIm with questions ...... Men who knew him best were, therefore, neither ready to discredit completely all legends about his exploits nor to repeat them as gospel. The truth, they suspected, lay somewhere between the two extremes." (Terrell, John Upton. Furs by Astor., p. 102.) John Jacob's son insured that his father's lies would go unchallenged by incinerating all of his personal records, business records and other papers.
The Astors have come up with various origins for themselves and those for or against the family have added more ideas. One strong possibility is that the Astors are descendants of the Astorga family found in Southern Italy before the 1600s. The most likely meaning of the name is that both Astorga and Astor are variations meaning "Astarte" who is the mother of the occult. Her name is also Semiramis. In Babylon the trinity was Nimrod (the sun), Semiramis (the moon), and Tammuz (the morning star). In Egypt, these gods were called Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The pictures and statues Isis and Horns were renamed by the Roman Catholic church as the Virgin Mary and the Christ-child.
The family may have moved from Savoy to Walldorf, Germany. Although it is not a certainty, the best explanation from the available clues indicates that Walldorf's coven had some important personages in the witchcraft/satanic system and that Johann Astor's family had power. At that time in Europe, the Astor family had no chance to turn their occult power into success. The power and class structure In Europe was rigid and gridlocked. The boundaries between peasant and aristocracy were solidly in place. So the family looked to the New World to transmute their position in the Satanic hierarchy into financial wealth and power. Johann Astor In Walldorf was only a butcher. His best son John Jacob (1763-1848) was selected to establIsh the House of Astor in America.
At age 16, John Jacob Astor quit helping the family butcher business, went to England and then later to America. Looking at the details of things, and piecing the truth together it appears that his Satanic authority was already in place, because he was able to travel to England, and as a german-speaking peasant converse face to face with the Backhouse family in England. Of course the biographers make it sound like John Jacob Astor left Germany for himself, rather than his family. Michael Astor gives a glimpse of John Jacob's mission, "He concentrated almost entirely on building a fortune, on escaping the poverty of his childhood and establishing a secure financial position for his family in America." (Astor, Michael. Tribal Feeling p. 11)
The process of 400 years looks like this. Various Satanic families moved into the Southwest German area in the late Medieval time period. Witchcraft associated with Diana was practiced In Southwest Germany, and this began to alarm various elements of the Roman Catholic church. The Astor family provides leadership in the covens in the Heidelberg area. Witchcraft spread virtually all over Southwest Germany. An examination of the old records from about 1500 to 1650 show that witchcraft was being practiced throughout the area. (I have the names of over 120 towns were it was practiced in SW Germany, the list derived from old German records.) The Astors did not have the position, wealth, and power that accorded their position in the late 1700s of occult leadership. In Germany, England and France there was no way to climb the social ladder. However, the New World presented opportunities. The Astors sent two sons to prepare the way for John Jacob, one to England, one to America, and then sent John Jacob their most promising brightest son to the New World.
While in America the Astor family helped the Satanic elite headquartered in England to maintain its control over America. Having come from Germany, and also due to Satanism being secret, John Jacob Astor's help given to pro-British-elite moves were more difficult to suspect. After establishing themselves as aristocrats in America, the tribe of Astors moved to England, where because of their high social position in America, no one questioned the Queen bestowing titles of nobility on them. All along the process, people with Illuminati connections opened doors for the Astors. At this point, it needs to be pointed out that there were ties between the following groups: English royalty, English Satanism, English Freemasonry, and German witchcraft, and the Italian Black nobility. (Taking the liberty I have as author of this article, I am going to digress to give some examples of these connections. Although on the surface this doesn't directly pertain to the Astors, it does.) When one paints in the bigger panorama of what was happening in the occult world, and then one sees a blazing star streak across that panorama, then the real history of that blazing star is given by tracking its voyage through that panorama. However, the history books have intentionally hidden the significance of so many of the players and groups that lay along the track of that blazing streak.
Order of the Knights of the Helmet--This was an illuminated secret society with Sir Francis Bacon at its head. In order to hide its Masonic rituals, Sir Francis Bacon wrote a play entitled "The Order of the Helmet." This was performed in 3 Jan. 1594, and again for twelve days in December 1594. In Dec. 1594, brItIsh Aristocrats who had been demonically illuminated, met and put on a "play." Calling their initiation ceremony a play was a great cover. Sir Francis Bacon was made king and "prince of purple." Various men were invested with the Collar of Knighthood of the Helmet, and took vows, And a "Series of Charges by six High Councilors" was given in a manner that is very similar to what the satanic S.R.I.A. does now. The reader may ask what does this have to do with the Astors? This is simply a few brief look at the background of what was happening in the occult in Europe. The Queen of England sent Sir Francis Bacon as a young man in his twenties to the continent of Europe. Sir Francis Bacon toured France in places such as Louvre, St. Cloud, Blois, Paris, and Poictiers, He also travelled to Germany, Italy and Spain. He visited the various royal courts, such as the court of Marguerite de Valois. Marguerite was married to King Henry of Navarre. Her mother was the evil Catherine de Medicis. Sir Francis Bacon also met with many secret societies. At Marguerite's court he spent time with "The Pleiade" fraternity, which was a group of 7 intellectuals.
According to the best biographer of Sir Francis Bacon, who was Alf red Dodd (Alfred spent his entire life studying SIr Francis Bacon), Sir Francis Bacon was initiated into a large number of secret occult societies when he was on the continent of Europe. He learned kabbalistic magic, Egyptian mysticism, Arabian mysticism, and the customs of the German Steinmetzin. (Dodd, Alfred. Francis Bacon's Life-Story. London: Rider & Co., 1988, p.10.4.) This information has been provided to give some feel for how the occult in Europe was in contact with its various parts, and that its tentacles included many of the royal families.
Hell Fire Club -- This was a secret Satanic cult which was associated wIth early Freemasonry. When the connections became known between the Satanists of the Hell Fire Club and the elite of Freemasonry, Freemasonry and the elite made some radical moves. First, Freemasonry publicly proclaimed that it had nothing to do with the Hell Fire Club. rhen the Hell Fire Club was publicly disbanded by the government (acting on orders from people that tied-in with the club). Later, quietly the club was reconstituted. Phillip, 1 at Duke of Wharton (1698-1731) who was the second person of nobility to be Grand Master of England's Freemasons (G.M. of the Grand Lodge 6/1722-11/25/1723) was president of the Hell Fire Club. He was an M.P, in the House of Lords. In 1726, he left England and was a basically brought into ill-repute by the Masons, who distanced themselves from him. George Lee, Earl of Lichfield was also another prominent Mason who was a member of the Hell Fire Club. Benjamin Franklin, who was the head of the American Freemasons in various capacities, and also the head of the Rosicrucians and a number of other secret occult groups was also a member of the Hell Fire Club. Benjamin Franklin's satanism was not mentioned in my Be Wise As Serpents book, but he was an important Satanist who was part of the Order of the Quest--that is the group which has been entrusted with the plans for bringing in the New World Order of Satan. Remember that John Jacob Aster was very involved with Freemasonry, as were a number of his intimate friends such as N.Y. Governor DeWitt Clinton and General John A. Armstrong. In regards to the Hell Fire Club, the Earl of Sandwich, Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Dashwood were leaders in the Hell Fire Club and were also Post-Master Generals of the British Postal Service, All were Freemasons too. Their positions as Post-Master Generals allowed them total access to the mail, and allowed them to spy on the communications of the 18th century. The man who became Post-Master General after Dashwood, who moved on to be a M.P, in the Br. Parliament, was the Mason John Wilkes. John Wilkes took over in 1766 (in 1774 was Lord Mayor of London). Wilkes then brought one of the original Hell Fire Club members, a friend of his Willis Hill to help with the Postal Service. The next Post-Master general was the totally corrupt man the Earl of Sandwich, who served until 1771. Benjamin Franklin spent the summers of 1772, 1773, and 1774 at Dashwood's estate in West Wycombe. The caves under Dashwood's estate at West Wycombe were used for satanic sexual rituals, which were participated in by Benjamin Franklin.
Ordo Saturnus--This is an old secret satanic German order. In the last few newsletters, I have been educating people on the meaning of Saturn. It means Satan. This previous information helps us understand John Jacob Astor IV when he writes in his book A Journey in Other Worlds, "The souls of the righteous departed were found on Saturn, where, to a background of weird music, pulsating hearts, luminous brains and centers of spiritual activity quiver with motion." (A side comment: John Jacob Astor IV had a reputation for his insatiable sexual lust to paw women.) One of the people we have to investigate in relation to the Ordo Saturnus is Valentine Jeune, who was John Jacob Astor's mentor in Walldorf, Germany. Jeune may well have belonged to an organization such as Ordo Saturnus.
John Jacob Astor arrived in England and may well have been introduced In England to British Intelligence by his brother George. At any rate, he got involved in British intelligence which has always been closely linked to Freemasonry and the elite. He spent time socially with the Backhouse family which an aristocratic family. How do you suppose such a supposedly destitute young man could be accepted so easily into the Backhouse social scene? This is not explained by modern biographers. After four years, his brother George then sent him to America to represent George's music company. His brother Henry met him when he arrived in 1784 at age 20 and introduced him to the occult world in New York City. Thomas Backhouse & Co. was a leading house in the lucrative fur trade. John Jacob Astor set out to bring the fur trade under his own control. There is a tact that must be faced. the elite's Committee of 300, a secret legislative group of the Illuminati, decided that John Jacob Astor could expand into the fur trade and into the opium narcotics trade. Dope, Inc. shows that the Astor famIly was the first American family to get into the Opium trade, and that their opIum trade had was a special privilege that most other American businesses did not even try to compete with. Why? Dope, Inc. doesn't say this but I know that it is because the Committee of 300 decides such things, not free enterprise. American furs yielded 1000% profit in those days. The privilege of fur trading was a pot of gold so to speak that the Committee of 300 gave Astor, and it could only have happened because the Astor family in Walldorf was already part of a principal satanic bloodline. (The Illuminati members of the Astor family today use their influence to help those of the Illuminati in their dope trade.) William Backhouse the American representative of the London Backhouse family and John Jacob's brother Henry were two of John Jacob initial contacts in the New World. Soon John Jacob had met all types of people involved in New York's occult world. John Jacob married Sarah Todd. John Jacob's step-mother Christina Barbara is described as "the perfect, cruel fairy tale stepmother." John Jacob 'raised the principle of self-interest to the level of a philosophy and ..... claimed for himself a natural superiority over his less able and less powerful fellow men, a sort of God-given right to exploit the world and its inhabitants for his personal gain, This was not mere cynicism, but a genuine belief that in some way [he was] among the chosen people for whose convenience and advancement lIfe was ordered ..... Such people ... make history, but they also pervert it in human terms because their world and the codes that govern it have nothing to do with morality.' (Sinclair, David. Dynasty The Astors and Their Times. p. 59) 'Astor took Freemasonry seriously... [Gov. DeWitt] Clinton rose unusually fast in the degrees, but the German Immigrant [John Jacob] who talked at times as if he had marbles in his mouth was not far behind him. Astor eventually caught up to Clinton...' (Terrell. Furs by Astor, p. 84).
DeWItt Clinton's uncle George Clinton, who served as Jefferson's Vice-President was also a member of their Holland Lodge No. 8. Archibald Russell of the Russell family, as well as two members of the elite Livingstone family were members of this lodge too at the time. The Livingstone family were participating in the Committee of 300 at that time. One of my Masonic reference books states that business at the Holland Lodge No, 8 was conducted in German. If so, why were all these other men involved with it who apparently had English as their mother tongue? In the 1/1/93 issue, Astor's dirty real estate deals and his activity as a drug king-pin were discussed.
However, Astor's connivance to create a nation on the west coast wasn't. Thomas Jefferson, who I have now come to realize was a part of the Illuminati, was in on the plot. Jefferson said that he "hoped for the establishment of an independent nation on the Pacific Coast, bound to the United States by ties of blood, language, and friendship." The Northwest was to become a sovereign nation under Astor's rule. The plan failed miserably due to a variety of reasons. Another item that was missed in the earlier article was how John Jacob Astor profited by using his own courier system and powerful friends to profit from the War of 1812. Astor knew the War of 1812 was coming and he set himself up to profit from it in several ways. (His Masonic brother and friend John A.. Armstrong 1758-1843 helped the British war effort as the American Secretary of War. A descendent of John's later married into the Astors.) Astor himself helped the British when he could profit by it. The two illuminati Jefferson and Gallatin gave Astor special sailing privileges which netted him much profit. When war was declared against Great Britain, Astor sent agents to the British forts in Canada to inform them. This gave the British advance knowledge of the war, before the Americans troops knew. This allowed the British to seize northern American forts and to insure that the British had control of the region's fur trade. This was essential for Astor to get control of the fur market, because then when the British furs were embargoed he had less competition. He obtained special permission from the President to import all furs owned by him and held in Canada before the war. He used thIs permission illegally to trap new furs. When the war ended. Astor was able to heat everyone else to Europe with his furs and make a killing. Astor cleared his name of shame, by sending Washington, D.C. information about a mutiny at a British fort which allowed the U.S. army to take advantage of the enemy's weak condition to capture the area. John Jacob Astor traded in guns, and his firearms were used in at least one-Latin American revolution. Bear in mind Latin-American revolutions have all been planned in Masonic Lodges. When employees of John Jacob Astor would trap for or trade furs with the Astor fur houses, they would he paid with letters of credit. Then Astor agents would he sent out to ambush and kill them, so that the Astor Fur Company could save money. The deaths were blamed on Indians. Zachery Taylor stated, "Take the American Fur Company in the aggregate, and they are the greatest scoundrels the world ever knew." (O'Connor, Harvey. The Astors p.44)
This was the son of John Jacob Astor. He was infamous for his hank treatment of thousands of people who rented from him in New York. There were repealed riots by tenants who were opposed by the harsh filthy living conditions in the buildings Astor owned, but their complaints were consistently ignored by Astor and their riots suppressed by the police. Only half of the children of his tenants lived to age 20. The Astors were deeply involved with the Tammany organization. William B. supported the corrupt administration of the infamous New York mayor, Fernando Wood. The government at that time was a pack of corrupt men. When Wood was exposed, Astors involvement was overlooked. This is another example of Astor power.
He was the son of William Backhouse Astor. He was just as haughty, just as cruel, and just as corrupt as his father and grandfather had been. He created "sweat shops" for the poor masses living in his New York tenements. He also supported corrupt politicians such as the criminal "Boss" Tweed who ran NYC. The Tweed Ring stole millions of dollars from the city of New York. Before they finally got caught and sent to prison Mayor Tweed and gang cost the city $200 million. Again John Jacob Astor III's power allowed his involvement to be basically overlooked by the press, while Tweed went to prison for life.
Most of the Astors took off for England, but one branch of the Astors that is clearly involved in Satanism and the occult is the Chanler family. The Chanler family have Astor blood via "Madie" Astor Ward. The Chanler's parents died at an early age, and the Rokeby Estate in NY was given by the Astors so that a cousin Mary Marshall could raise the Chanler children. The Chanler family is one branch that clearly shows all the earmarks of the SatanIc hierarchy. The behavior of Robert Chanler, Elizabeth Chanler and Armstrong Chanler have ail the classic earmarks of having MPD, and having suffered SRA. The Rokeby mansion that the Chanler family lived in was a haunted house of the first rate. Fairies, ghosts, signs and potents, and all type of occult activity takes place at this mansion, When top rx-Illuminati members who have managed to escape Satanism describe their home life, they mention that occult phenomena was a natural part of home life. This certainly is what life has been lIke at the Chanler Rokeby mansion. The Chaniers are not well known publicly but have been part of the social scene of the elite. Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (of the elite Cabot family) were good friends of the Chanlers. The Chanlers created the town Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. (At some point I hope to do an expose on the resort area in that general area that is a "meat market" for the Illuminati. Families like the Bill Clinton's go down there every year for vacation to mingle with other middle management families that the Illuminati use as lackeys. Illuminati "scouts" watch and choose who they want to use for political office, etc.) A Who's Who of the Astor orphans--the Chanier family who are of interest to our study of the Illuminati will now be given.
John Armstrong Chanler-married mystic novelist and morphine addict Amelie Rives. "Once wandering in the twilight she asked wistfully, "Do you think If I drank a whole cupful of warm, bubbly blood, I would see a real fairy" ... Then there had been the period during which she suffered anguish over the thought that Satan was banished from Paradise forever; she prayed with tears that ultimately he might be pardoned and readmitted to celestial bliss." (Thomas, Lately. The Astor Orphans: A Pride of Lions p. 76.)11111 (more) (less)
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